What to eat for cervical cancer. Nutrition for uterine oncology

To restore the body's immune properties and block the development of malignant cells, there are several types diet food.

The following types of cancer diets are used, namely:

  • Buckwheat diet with sprouts.
  • Diet according to the method of Dr. Shevchenko.
  • Dr. Laskin's diet.
  • Cancer treatment according to the Bolotov method.
  • Cancer treatment according to the Breuss method.
  • Cancer treatment according to the Lebedev method.

Regardless of the stage of the formation of malignant tumors, there is a diet for cancer, which will help strengthen the protective functions of the body, will stimulate the regeneration of cells and tissues, improve the patient's well-being, normalize metabolic processes in the body, normalize weight and prevent depletion of the body.

  • Green plants, the fruits and leaves of which contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which increases the body's resistance to tumors and pathogens that contribute to an increase in phagocytosis. Among such plants are green peas, white cabbage, dandelion leaves, chlorella, blue-blue algae, nettle leaves, green mustard.
  • Vegetables and fruits of red-orange, orange and yellow colors, which contain large amounts of carotenoids - lutein, lycopene, beta-carotene, which have anti-cancer properties. These substances contribute to the destruction of free radicals in lipids, increase immunity, and protect body cells from ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary to eat tomatoes, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits and other citrus fruits, apricots, peaches.
  • Blue, purple and red vegetables and fruits contain a high content of anthocyanides - antioxidants that neutralize the action of free radicals. They also reduce inflammation, stimulate the body's resistance to the action of carcinogens and viruses, and cleanse the body of toxic and chemical substances. These fruits are beets, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, red and purple grapes, and red cabbage (blue cabbage).
  • Eating broccoli, garlic and pineapple has been shown to reduce the risk of N-nitro-induced cancer due to the detoxifying and anticancer properties of these plants.
  • In cruciferous vegetables - white cabbage and cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, green mustard, turnips and radishes - contains a substance called indole, which stimulates the detoxifying properties of the liver, and is also capable of binding chemical carcinogens and removing them from the body.
  • Pomegranates, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and grapes contain ellagic acid, which helps prevent carcinogenic oxidation in cell membranes.
  • Green tea has the ability to remove toxins and free radicals from the body and boost immunity.

With cancer, the following foods are prohibited:

  • Meat and meat products - sausage, sausages, sausages, ham and so on.
  • Animal fats, as well as margarine and any artificial fats.
  • Industrial meat broths, including poultry and concentrates.
  • Fish and products from it, including fish broths.
  • Seafood and seafood dishes.
  • Milk with a high percentage of fat.
  • Various cheeses of hard, salty and fatty types.
  • Egg white.
  • Smoked products, including dried fruits.
  • Fried foods and meals, as well as pressure cooked vegetables.
  • Dishes prepared with aluminum cookware.
  • Sugar and all products in which it is contained, as well as various confectionery products.
  • Any canned food, including vegetables, fruits and juices.
  • Salt and salty foods.
  • Coffee and black tea, cocoa, carbonated and synthetic drinks.
  • Chocolate and chocolate products.
  • Products made with pickling - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes.
  • Coconuts.
  • Potatoes and dishes from it.
  • Legumes - dishes made from beans, beans and brain peas.
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade, bakery and pasta made from it.
  • Various types of mushrooms and mushroom broths.
  • Products containing vinegar (excluding apple cider).
  • Hot cooked vegetable oil.
  • Yeast and yeast foods (bread, baked goods, etc.).

Laskin's diet for cancer

Laskin's diet for cancer is carried out as follows:

  • Salt, sugar, canned food and canned food are completely excluded from the patient's diet.
  • Avoid eating fried and boiled vegetables.
  • Vegetables and fruits are eaten raw.
  • The basis of the patient's diet is buckwheat, as well as vegetables and fruits in large quantities, nuts.
  • A large amount of rosehip decoction is used, as well as liquid - water and green tea, at least two liters per day.
  • You can not eat crab meat and any dishes in which it is used.
  • The amount of fat should be no more than 10 percent of the total amount of food.
  • The meals used in the diet must be vegetarian, i.e. vegetable origin.
  • Sugar is completely excluded from the menu; it is replaced with natural dried fruits made without the use of chemicals and a small amount of honey.
  • Sometimes milk and dairy products can be consumed.

Diet for stomach cancer

Diet for breast cancer

Diet for liver cancer

Diet for pancreatic cancer

Diet for bowel cancer

Diet for lung cancer

Diet for rectal cancer

Diet for prostate cancer

Diet for kidney cancer

The diet for kidney cancer after undergoing treatment should be aimed at restoring the organ that has undergone surgical treatment. Experts advise patients to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The diet menu for kidney cancer should be aimed at saturating the body with all useful substances - vitamins, trace elements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • The basis of the patient's menu is made up of fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries; whole grain cereals; sprouted cereals.
  • Protein food should be limited to 70 - 80 grams per day. If there is renal failure against the background of kidney cancer, then this amount is reduced to 20 - 25 grams per day.
  • Poultry, meat and fish are served boiled or baked (after boiling).
  • From fermented milk products, you can use fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, as well as milk.
  • The consumption of butter, sour cream and cream should be significantly limited, and in the first period after the operation, completely abandon these products.
  • The number of eggs should be limited to three per week.
  • The total weight of food eaten per day should be no more than three kilograms.
  • The amount of liquid drunk per day (including first courses) should reach 800 ml - 1 liter.

From drinks it is worth paying attention to:

  • broth or rosehip infusion,
  • freshly prepared fruit and berry juices,
  • clean filtered water.

The amount of salt per day should be minimized to three to five grams. You need to add salt to already cooked dishes. For some patients, experts recommend a complete rejection of salt.

You need to eat often - five or six times a day.

It is necessary to completely abandon the following foods and drinks:

  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Strong broths - meat, fish, mushroom.
  • Legumes - beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and so on.
  • Confectionery - cakes, pastries, various creams.
  • Pickles, pickled, canned and smoked products.
  • Ready-made snacks and salads.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Strong tea, as well as coffee of any kind.

Diet for uterine cancer

The diet for uterine cancer is based on the following principles:

  1. Use only organic vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries for food.
  2. Include at least four servings of fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily diet.
  3. It is best to use fruits with bright colors and greens in food.
  4. Instead of meat, use fish rich in unsaturated fatty acids.
  5. In winter, instead of greenhouse and imported vegetables, fruits and herbs, use fruits that are grown in the summer and retain their properties well throughout the year - beets, cabbage, pumpkin, carrots and turnips.
  6. Use fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat in your diet.
  7. Saturate the patient's menu with sprouted cereals, as well as whole grain cereals.
  8. Dishes should be cooked by boiling, baking or steaming.

The following foods and drinks are excluded from the diet:

  • alcohol,
  • smoked, spicy, canned, highly salted and pickled food,
  • semi-finished products,
  • confectionery and sweets,
  • coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate,
  • products made with preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers and other artificial additives.

Diet for cervical cancer

Diet for cervical cancer is similar to dietary principles for uterine cancer. There are no differences in nutrition for cancer of the cervix from tumor lesions of the uterus.

Diet for ovarian cancer

A diet for ovarian cancer, combined with the main treatment, can bring significant relief to the patient, and in the early stages, completely stop the formation of malignant tumors in the body.

The principles of the ovarian cancer diet are as follows:

  • Most of the diet should be fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. Moreover, they must be grown in an ecologically clean area without the use of chemical additives.
  • The patient's daily menu should consist of four to five servings of plant foods consumed in fresh.
  • Brightly colored fruits and leafy greens should be a priority on the table, since they contain substances that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • In winter, you should not buy imported fruits and greenhouse greens. There are always vegetables on sale that are grown in the summer and are well stored - cabbage, beets, carrots, pumpkin, turnips, potatoes. For the most part, they should be eaten fresh - in the form of salads and juices.
  • It is necessary to include in the diet fresh fish rich in unsaturated fatty acids - herring, mackerel, flounder, salmon, and so on.
  • Meat should only be eaten boiled, cooked or baked. Low-fat types of meat are allowed, no more than 2 - 3 times a week.
  • You can use various fermented milk products with low and medium fat content in food.
  • Sprouted grains (wheat, rye, oats, etc.) and legumes, which should be eaten raw, will be of great benefit.
  • A variety of whole grains should be included in the diet.
  • You need to steam, cook or bake in the oven.

When organizing dietary meals for patients with ovarian cancer, the following foods and drinks should be excluded from the diet:

  • All kinds of alcoholic drinks of various strengths.
  • Strong tea, as well as any type of coffee.
  • Any chocolate and cocoa products.
  • Various smoked products.
  • Fatty, spicy and highly salted foods.
  • Fried dishes.
  • Products containing preservatives, colors, flavor enhancers and other artificial additives.
  • Any confectionery and industrial sweets.
  • Semi-finished products, including sausages, sausages, ham.
  • Premium flour products - bread, pastries, pasta.

It is also necessary to significantly limit the amount of salt and sugar consumed. Sugar is best replaced with honey, fruits and berries, freshly made juices.

Diet for bladder cancer

The diet for bladder cancer is based on the principles of a healthy diet, the purpose of which is to maintain the defenses of the patient's body. For these purposes, it is necessary to consume fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries every day.

It is necessary to completely abandon:

  • Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Various carbonated drinks.
  • Spicy, spicy, fried, fatty and salty foods.
  • Products that contain preservatives, dyes and artificial additives.
  • Red meats - beef, pork, lamb.
  • Mushrooms.

After the performed surgical intervention, you must adhere to the following dietary recommendations:

  • In the very first days, nutrition is carried out only intravenously.
  • Drinking liquid is possible only on the second day. On the first day, the patient's lips should be wiped with a piece of damp cotton wool.
  • After the first days of the postoperative period, when intestinal peristalsis is normalized, the patient can eat low-calorie, low-fat dietary dishes in small portions. Such dishes are broths with grated chicken or fish, low-fat grated cottage cheese, and so on.
  • From the fifth day of the postoperative period, the patient can use steam cutlets, heavily boiled cereals, and so on.
  • On the tenth day, the rigid diet is removed and the patient returns to the diet that was recommended before the operation.

During the course of chemotherapy, patients are advised to eat as follows:

Of protein products, the use is allowed -

  • from 120 to 180 grams of meat per day (fish, poultry, lean meats, liver);
  • legumes;
  • nuts;

Dairy products can be eaten at least twice a day:

  • various dairy products;
  • fermented milk products.

Fruits and vegetables should be consumed at least three to four times a day in the following capacity:

  • fresh vegetables or vegetables stewed, boiled, baked or steamed;
  • fruits and berries with high content vitamin C;
  • vegetable and fruit salads;
  • dried fruits;
  • freshly prepared juices.

From cereals and cereals, you can eat at least four times a day:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • sprouted cereals;
  • various cereals.

From fats, vegetable oils and butter, cream and sour cream can be used in small quantities.

Drinking should be plentiful, among which freshly prepared juices should take a special place.

During radiation therapy, it is necessary to use a dietary option that facilitates bowel function. The main focus is on avoiding rough food. The food should be easy to digest, that is, it should be low in calories and served in a grated or semi-liquid form.

Diet for thyroid cancer

Before starting treatment for thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine, you should switch to a special diet for some time. The principles of such a diet are to minimize the use of foods that contain iodine. In this case, it is necessary:

  • Eliminate all seafood from the diet.
  • Limit the amount of dairy products consumed as much as possible.
  • Do not use sea salt.
  • Do not take cough medicine.
  • Exclude food products containing E 127 dye, which contains a lot of iodine.
  • You can eat meat, rice, noodles and pasta, fresh vegetables and fruits, since they contain minimal or no iodine.

The diet for thyroid cancer after surgery is as follows:

  • A variety of foods and dishes in order to saturate the body with useful substances.
  • Use foodstuffs that have cancer-protective properties, namely, various varieties of cabbage, turnips, radishes, radishes, legumes - soybeans, peas, beans, lentils. And also it is necessary to introduce a lot of carrots, parsley, celery and parsnips into the diet. Tomatoes, grapes, onions and garlic, almonds and apricot seeds have antitumor properties.
  • Proteins are best consumed in the form of various types of seafood and fish, cottage cheese, eggs, legumes and soybeans, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • Of proteins, one or two times a week, you can eat lean meats (not red).
  • It is necessary to limit to a minimum, and it is better to completely abandon the use of sugar and confectionery. Sugar is best replaced with honey. From sweets, you can eat in small quantities marmalade, marshmallows, jam and preserves.
  • You need to eat fruit in large quantities, as well as drink freshly prepared juices.
  • Complex carbohydrates - pectins and fiber - can be obtained from whole grains, wholemeal bread, and vegetables.
  • The essential fats are found in vegetable oils - olive and rapeseed.
  • It is worth excluding animal fats from the diet - lard, butter, and so on, as well as margarine.
  • It is necessary to saturate the diet with vitamins that have antioxidant properties. Therefore, you need to eat a lot of greens, which are high in vitamins and minerals.

Diet for esophageal cancer

  • The patient's food should be in small portions, but frequent. The most optimal daily amount of meals is from 8 to 10 times.
  • The processes of absorption and assimilation of food in cancer of the esophagus are helped by the grated consistency of food (or semi-liquid), which also improves the quality of bowel emptying.
  • Food, which is consumed by the sick, should not contain solid particles, lumps, seeds and peel of fruit.
  • The total amount of food products should not exceed three kilograms.
  • The total amount of liquid consumed per day should be no more than six glasses (first courses must also be taken into account).
  • The temperature of the food consumed should be warm; hot and cold food and dishes are prohibited.
  • Condiments, herbs and spices should be contained in the patient's diet in minimum quantities.
  • It is worth minimizing your fat intake.
  • Fruits and berries should not be used fresh, they can be consumed in a processed state - in jelly, mashed potatoes, juices, jellies.
  • Meat and fish dishes are steamed and mashed.

If the attending physician does not see any contraindications, the patient can take rosehip infusion. It is prepared as follows: twenty grams of fruit are poured with half a liter of boiling water. The infusion is best prepared in a thermos so that it is always warm when taken. Before breakfast, one hundred ml of a drink is taken, and then another one hundred and fifty ml of infusion is taken during the day.

The following foods should be excluded from the patient's diet:

  • Containing coarse fiber.
  • Alcohol, including beer and low alcohol drinks.
  • Milk, because it stimulates the fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Fried dishes.
  • Fatty foods.

Diet for throat cancer

The throat cancer diet is based on the following principles:

  • Keeping a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the patient's food.

Experts believe that with such a diet, the likelihood of the risk of developing cancer processes in the throat decreases from 20 to 50 percent. If you have throat cancer, you need to eat a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries at least six times a day. With such a "cocktail" of fresh plant products, scientists have not yet been able to isolate the main active ingredient against cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to eat as many different vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs as possible.

  • For throat cancer, it is useful to use, especially in the early stages, decoctions of medicinal plants as a treatment. For treatment are used:
    • plantain leaves;
    • sagebrush;
    • birch leaves;
    • bay leaf;
    • field horsetail;
    • violet.

Diet for skin cancer

Diet for skin cancer is aimed at reducing the negative consequences of anticancer therapy for the patient's body. Also, the purpose of organizing dietary nutrition for patients with skin cancer is to restore immunity and protective functions of the body, improve metabolism and improve the patient's quality of life.

Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • You need to eat food often and in small portions - at least five to six times a day.
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and greens are considered the main ones in the diet.
  • Also, the basis of the patient's nutritional menu is whole grain cereals, bran (wheat, rye, oat) and sprouted cereals.
  • It is necessary to include in the patient's diet foods rich in potassium - legumes, bananas, pumpkin, potatoes, buckwheat, oatmeal, cabbage, zucchini.
  • The best drinks for skin cancer patients are pure filtered water, freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juices, green tea without sugar, and herbal infusions.
  • In the absence of diabetes, the amount of carbohydrates per day should be up to 500 grams. At the same time, the amount of sugar and sweets should be limited as much as possible. It is better to replace these products with honey, fresh fruits and berries, dried fruits, freshly prepared fruit juices.
  • Of the fats, it is recommended to use vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, corn, and butter. Total fat should be limited to 100 grams per day.
  • It is necessary to eat the following types of fish - herring, mackerel, halibut, capelin.
  • Meat should be consumed in lean varieties, preferably poultry.
  • From protein products, fermented milk products, legumes, as well as buckwheat and oat groats are recommended. The ratio of plant proteins to animals in the daily diet should be one to one.
  • The amount of salt you eat should be limited, as high amounts of salt contribute to fluid retention, which is harmful in skin cancer.

The following are excluded from the patient's diet:

  • Alcohol.
  • Chocolate, cocoa and products from them.
  • Coffee, black tea and strong brewed green tea.
  • Salted, smoked, pickled and canned food.
  • Foods made with preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, and other additives.
  • Various sweets - pastries, pastries, cakes, pastries, sweets, and so on.

Diet for blood cancer

There are dietary guidelines that blood cancer patients must adhere to:

  • Completely exclude canned, fried, pickled, smoked, spicy, fatty foods and dishes.
  • Refuse fats foods, convenience foods and any purchased ready-to-eat or instant food.
  • It is forbidden to consume alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee and strong tea.
  • Throw away uneaten food and wash the dishes immediately after.
  • Eat only those dishes that have been prepared on the current day.
  • The food should be warm. Do not use food that is too cold or hot.
  • When eating, you should use only your own dishes and cutlery.
  • Refuse various sauces - ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard.

Dietary nutrition for blood cancer should be aimed at restoring the number and functions of blood plasma cells. Therefore, it is recommended to consume the following foods, meals and drinks:

  • Lots of raw vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries. It is useful to eat brightly colored fruits and greens that normalize the hematopoietic functions of the body, namely parsley, beets, carrots, black currants, mulberries, blueberries, tomatoes.
  • Every day you need to drink freshly prepared juices - beet (or beet-apple), carrot, tomato, currant.
  • Lentil dishes have a good effect on the functions of hematopoiesis.
  • It is useful to eat the germs and sprouts of wheat and oats.

It is imperative to saturate the patient's menu with foods high in iron, namely:

  • meat - liver and red meat (beef, pork, lamb);
  • fish and seafood;
  • buckwheat and rye bread;
  • chicken eggs;
  • beans and spinach;
  • fruits and berries - apples, cherries, black currants, strawberries, prunes.

It is necessary to include in the patient's diet foods that promote the absorption of iron by the body:

  • fruits - apples, oranges, pears, plums, bananas, lemons;
  • vegetables - cauliflower, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, green bell peppers, carrots, potatoes, beets, pumpkin;
  • sauerkraut;
  • kefir;
  • liver, meat and fish.

It is necessary to provide the patient's body with large doses of vitamin C, which is found in most fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that interfere with the absorption of iron by the body:

  • Milk.
  • Corn, cornflakes, cornmeal, and corn oil.
  • Various types of baked goods and bread made from premium flour.
  • Confectionery and sweets.
  • Various types of cheeses.

Diet for brain cancer

For brain cancer, experts prescribe the following diet:

  • The use of natural sweeteners in food - stevia, agave nectar, xylitol, black natural chocolate (with a cocoa content above 70%).
  • Eating whole grain bread.
  • The use of cereals for food - oat and buckwheat groats, millet, brown rice.
  • The use of legumes - beans, peas, lentils.
  • A large amount of fruits and berries in the diet, especially cherries, blueberries, raspberries.
  • Use fresh garlic and onions and broccoli.
  • Drinking water acidified with lemon juice, you can, with the addition of mint.
  • You should drink two or three cups of green tea without sugar per day.
  • You need to season your dishes with turmeric.

The list of foods to be avoided for brain cancer is as follows:

  • Refined sugar and all foods that contain it.
  • Various syrups, brown sugar and honey.
  • Compotes and drinks with added sugar.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.
  • White rice dishes.
  • White flour products: pasta, noodles, bread, rolls, biscuits and other baked goods.
  • Potatoes and dishes from it.
  • Industrial dairy products, in which corn and soybeans were fed to cows.
  • Red meat - pork, beef, lamb.
  • Industrial eggs.
  • Various oils rich in Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids - sunflower, corn, soy, safflower.

Buckwheat diet for cancer

Buckwheat diet about cancer has healing properties for this disease, if you strictly adhere to the following principles:

  1. Raw buckwheat groats are used for food, namely buckwheat sprouts, which appear during the germination of cereals.
  2. Seedling protein, a protease inhibitor, has antitumor properties; flavonoids - quercetin and rutin; tannins and so on.
  3. Germination of green buckwheat is carried out in the following way. You need to take one or two glasses of green buckwheat, a convenient bowl, a container with a lid or a jar with a lid with holes (or a cloth with an elastic band instead of a lid).
    • Buckwheat is washed, poured into a container for germination and filled with water in an amount of two to four glasses and left for one to three hours.
    • Then the water is drained and the buckwheat is washed with a sieve.
    • Buckwheat is placed in a container for germination and covered with a lid. If a can is used, then it must be covered with a lid or cloth, and then turned upside down and placed obliquely in a container into which water will flow from the can.
    • Seedlings appear in a day, but seedlings of two, three and four days of germination have the most useful qualities.
    • The emerging seedlings are washed and eaten raw. The remaining portion of the sprouts can be stored in the refrigerator until the next meal.
  4. When using the buckwheat diet, meat and meat products, sugar and products containing it, salt and salty foods are completely excluded from the diet. As well as products that are made using chemical processing, preservatives, dyes, including dried fruits.

A diet for cancer is a necessary therapeutic measure to launch the protective functions of the patient's body and stop the development of tumor processes. Diet food plays an important role in the recovery period after cancer treatment, helping to block the occurrence of relapses of the disease.

Faced with such a serious disease as cervical cancer, a woman's lifestyle completely changes. The diet is no exception, a properly composed diet with the richness of certain foods and the absence of others, an integral part of oncology treatment. Not so long ago, scientists have identified a number of products that contribute to the fight against cancer cells, and it is on their use that doctors insist on treating cancer.

There are not so few products that in one way or another have a positive effect on the body and prevent the spread of cancer cells. German nutritionist Sven-David Müller has compiled in one general list about a hundred units of foods that can fight cancer.

Cancer products

In more detail about some of them:

  • carrot, This vegetable contains a pesticide - falcarinol, and it reduces the risk of developing cancer by a third, and also slows down the growth of cancer cells. In addition, carrots are rich in vitamins such as A, B1, B3, B5, B9, C. It is better to use carrots raw, like juice or grated with vegetable oil;
  • hot red pepper. Research has shown that this pungent vegetable kills abnormal cells from within the mitochondria. Therefore, it is effective in the fight against cancer. It was also noticed that the inhabitants of India and Mexico, where hot peppers are the basis of the diet, are much less likely to encounter the problem of oncology. Scientists even plan to create an anticancer drug based on pepper;
  • beet. Beetroot owes its anti-cancer properties to the substance betaine, which gives the vegetable a burgundy hue. According to Dr Ferenczi from Hungary, he was able to cure a man with cancer by consuming large amounts of beets;
  • green tea rich in flavonoids, which help block the growth of neoplasms and the occurrence of cell necrosis, also remove free radicals from the body;
  • turmeric is the strongest antioxidant, which allows it to act on various pathologies. Some studies in Munich even confirmed that turmeric prevents the spread of metastases.

Fresh juice

In addition to the products described, it is good if the diet for cervical cancer contains the following foods:

  • asparagus;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower;
  • black currant;
  • lentils;
  • rosehip;
  • spinach.

This list of products in one way or another helps in the fight against cancer. Of course, it is not possible to cure a disease by using only useful ingredients, but their presence improves the treatment process.

Prohibited Products

As there are foods that help improve well-being, and vice versa, deterioration.

Prohibited food for cancer

Diet for cervical cancer involves excluding the following foods:

  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • too fatty and fried foods;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • confectionery;
  • chocolate;
  • genetically modified foods;
  • semi-finished products.

Important! Salt, sugar and spices should be used in limited quantities.

A woman's diet for cervical cancer should be filled with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. More than half of the diet of vegetables and fruits must be present without fail. Fatty acids must also be present for this purpose fish is best suited.
Vegetable fats should prevail over animals, meat is replaced by fish as much as possible. Grains and decoctions of herbs or rose hips are recommended.

From heat treatment, it is better to give preference to steaming, stewing, boiling or baking without oil, but not frying.

The body also needs bifidobacteria, you can get enough of them from fermented milk products. Natural yoghurts, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. All this will be a healthy source of protein, only it is better to choose dairy products with a minimum content of fat.

Meals should be fractional, portions are small, but frequent. The problem with all cancer patients is lack of appetite and weight loss, this should be monitored. To raise your appetite, you need a variety in the diet, the absence of pungent odors and a pleasant appearance of the prepared dishes.

During the day, enough liquid should be drunk, these are juices, green tea, pure water, as well as herbal decoctions.

The following medicinal plants will be most useful:

  • succession;
  • sweet clover medicinal;
  • sage;
  • nettle;
  • yarrow;
  • st. John's wort, etc.

Menu for the day

Diet foods

Approximately the diet menu might look like this:

  1. first breakfast: carrot or beet juice;
  2. second breakfast: a glass of kefir, buckwheat porridge, grated beets;
  3. lunch: cream of cabbage soup, boiled fish, fresh vegetable salad;
  4. afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, juice, fruit;
  5. dinner: fish balls in tomato sauce, cabbage salad;
  6. before bedtime: fruit, rosehip decoction.

Healthy lifestyle

Along with nutrition, you should review your physical activity, the duration of sleep and rest. Physical therapy should be present daily, it should not tire, but, on the contrary, energize. This can be self-gymnastics at home, group activities such as yoga or swimming, or walking in the fresh air. Avoid transport for close distances, walk.

  1. improve sleep;
  2. overcome stress and anxiety associated with the disease;
  3. fill the body with energy and oxygen;
  4. strengthen the immune and cardiovascular system;
  5. will strengthen the muscles.

Many cancer patients face the problem of poor sleep.

To improve it, you can use the following recommendations:

  • always ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • take a relaxing bath with a couple of drops of soothing essential oils or herbs
  • half an hour before bedtime, drink a decoction of soothing herbs;
  • choose only a comfortable mattress.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful treatment of cervical cancer, from the selected products, albeit indirectly, the growth of atypical cells and their spread throughout the body still depends. A healthy diet, physical activity and following all the recommendations of doctors greatly increase the chances of recovery.

With such a serious illness as cancer, the whole lifestyle of a woman changes. In addition to drug treatment, a special diet for cervical cancer and moderate exercise are prescribed. They will not cure a serious illness, but they can help the body to more easily endure the stress received from taking strong medications. Generally speaking, nutrition during the period of illness is reduced to increasing the amount of vitamins and reducing unhealthy food. It is necessary to completely exclude fast food, alcohol, fried and smoked foods, semi-finished products, sweets, and confectionery. The diet should contain a lot of the following foods: dietary meat (turkey, chicken), fish, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, whole grain bread, cereals. So what foods should you eat for cervical cancer?

Meat and fish products

Fish should be eaten at least 3 times a week. You need to choose both white and red varieties. It contains healthy fatty acids that are essential for cancer. They are believed to slow the spread of the disease. The vitamins contained in fish are A, B1, B2, B12, D. The following varieties are in the lead in vitamin D content: cod, halibut, mackerel, mackerel, tuna, herring. Also, fish has a rich amount of trace elements: phosphorus, iron, iodine, calcium, potassium. It is better to buy turkey or chicken from meat. These are dietary products that are easy to digest and have a lot of trace elements. The benefits of white meat in a high content of protein, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, B vitamins. It is better to cook fish and meat by steaming or in the oven, completely abandoning frying in a pan.

Anti-cancer vegetables

For cancer, vegetables should be eaten with every meal. Daily rate is at least 500 g. Any vegetables are needed, but there are a number of those that are especially useful in the event of a cancerous tumor:

  1. Broccoli is an irreplaceable source of valuable substances. This vegetable is especially useful for gynecological diseases. Contains a huge amount of vitamins (C, E, A) and trace elements (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, iodine). Meals include other types of cabbage: cauliflower, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts. Use them as a side dish or in salads.
  2. Tomatoes are included in the menu of cancer patients mainly because of their lycopene content. This is a substance that prevents the process of gene mutation and protects healthy cells from destruction. Our bodies do not produce lycopene, which is why it is so important to get it through food.
  3. Asparagus contains polysaccharides, which scientists claim fight tumors. It is rich in choline, biotin and folic acid, which support optimal blood sugar levels. The flavonoids in asparagus have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Pumpkin improves metabolism, boosts immunity, and kills cancer cells. Contains vitamins B and C, carotene, iron, phosphorus, potassium and many other essential trace elements. But people with stomach diseases should limit the use of this vegetable.
  5. Carrots are included in the menu of almost all cancer patients. Beta-carotene, which is one of its main elements, is able to inhibit the development of "bad" cells. Exists real stories, in which people were cured of early cancer by drinking a few glasses of freshly squeezed carrot juice every day.
  6. Beet. There are known cases of recovery from cancer in people who ate beets daily. Anti-cancer properties are possessed by special substances contained in it. They are called anthocyanins. Experts recommend drinking about 500-600 ml of juice daily. Before drinking, the juice must be kept in the refrigerator or on the window for at least 2 hours. When freshly squeezed, it causes nausea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure and a number of other side symptoms.
  7. Radish. Research has shown that this vegetable has anti-cancer effects. But in order for these properties to unfold, the radish must lie in the fresh air. Therefore, you need to use it like this: grate and let it brew for about half an hour.
  8. Greens: spinach, parsley, watercress, etc. It is better to eat it unprocessed, so it retains maximum vitamins. Greens can be added to salads, main dishes, or vegetable and fruit shakes.

Fruits and berries against cancer

Fruits will also help to cope with the manifestations of the disease and alleviate the condition. Experts advise using:

  1. Apricot. The anti-cancer properties are attributed to apricot pits. But there are both supporters and ardent opponents of this theory. The fruit itself has a large amount of vitamins and trace elements: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9.
  2. Garnet. Scientifically proven that this fruit stops further growth of cancer cells. To achieve the effect, you need to drink 3 cups of juice a day. Supplements containing genistein can be taken together. You can eat soybeans, because it also contains genistein.
  3. Grapefruit contains a substance called lycopene that helps fight tumors. This fruit has slightly less of it than tomatoes. But grapefruit is not inferior to the latter in health value. In addition to lycopene, the composition contains a large amount of vitamin C.
  4. Berries: raspberries, blueberries, blackberries. They contain anthocyanins - substances that fight cancer cells. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants and ellagic acid. When added to the diet, they can help even with stage 2 cervical cancer, and not only at the onset of the disease.

Fermented milk and cereal products

From fermented milk products, it is better to choose kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese. Eat them every day, but in moderation. Cheese can be eaten not every day and only a few pieces. For bakery products, give preference to whole grain bread. Sometimes it can be replaced with bread. It is necessary to completely abandon muffins and white bread. Porridge should also be made from whole grains. They contain a large amount of vitamins and bring invaluable benefits to the body: remove toxins, improve bowel function, reduce cholesterol

Menu option for uterine cancer

Here is a variant of the daily menu. When choosing dishes, one must take into account the state of health. For example, if you have stomach diseases, then the use of certain foods can be harmful. The recommended portions should be observed - about 200 g. Overeating will only harm the body.

  1. Breakfast. Freshly squeezed juice: carrot, beetroot, pumpkin, celery or parsley juice.
  2. Lunch. Porridge: millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley. Vegetables and fruits: apples, pears, carrots, banana, tangerine. Combined purees can be made from them, for example, apple-carrot or apple-pear. Sometimes add dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) and nuts to porridge. Green or herbal teas are great drinks. Instead of porridge, on certain days, you can cook an omelet.
  3. Dinner. Soups should not be ruled out, they should be present in the diet every day. Suitable options: lentil, pumpkin, bean, vegetable with pearl barley, green cabbage soup. Vegetables are prepared for the second courses. For example, stewed carrots, cabbage, beets, beans. If desired, add tomato paste and your favorite spices to them. Green and herbal teas are preferred.
  4. Dinner. It is recommended to prepare a green salad almost every day. The ingredients for it can be as follows: cucumber, lettuce, avocado, any kind of cabbage, onion, parsley, dill, etc. Do not use mayonnaise and sour cream for dressing, it is better to give preference to olive, flaxseed or sesame oil. You can eat stewed, baked or boiled vegetables with spices: beans, carrots, cabbage. You can afford boiled potatoes or spaghetti with cheese 1 - 2 times a week.
  5. Late supper. Fruit (apple, pear, orange), yogurt or kefir.

This is the basis of the menu, you can supplement and diversify it. A healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude will definitely help in the fight against a serious illness.

Products that are recommended to be eaten by cancer patients must be natural. It is necessary to minimize the negative impact on the patient's weakened body. A properly formulated diet will help not only improve immunity, but also provide the body with all the necessary vitamins. In addition, many foods have anticancer effects. The patient's daily diet should include:

Prohibited foods

From the diet of cancer patients, it is necessary to exclude all foods that are difficult for the body to tolerate and are difficult to digest. First of all, sweets are banned. This is due to the content of carbohydrates in their composition, which are easily absorbed and absorbed by cancer cells. This leads to their active growth and intensification of the disease.

Diet at any stage of cervical cancer involves avoiding fatty red meats such as beef.

The use of such a product causes the production of insulin, which can serve to further growth of malignant formation.

The following foods can cause a deterioration in the health of women with cancer:

  • smoked meats, sausage;
  • pickles, canned foods;
  • carbonated drinks, alcohol;
  • pastries, sweets, chocolate;
  • instant food;
  • spicy and fatty dishes;
  • strong black tea, cocoa.

It is necessary to minimize the consumption of sugar and salt.

In patients with cancer, metabolism deteriorates, so proper nutrition should be taken care of. Prohibited foods can cause side effects.

What foods should you eat?

Suitable products are worth considering. Of particular benefit are:

  1. Carrots contain the substance falcarinol, which helps to reduce the risk of cancer, slows down the growth of cancer cells. Best consumed raw.
  2. Beets are also renowned for their cancer-fighting properties. That is why experts advise using it in large quantities.
  3. Hot red pepper is effective in combating the disease.
  4. Turmeric is considered an antioxidant, which allows it to act on a variety of pathologies. Studies have been conducted that have shown that it prevents the spread of metastases.
  5. Green tea blocks the growth of neoplasms, prevents necrosis.

In addition to the foods listed above, you should eat the following:

  • fruits, in particular mangoes, pomegranates, apricots;
  • vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes, parsley;
  • salmon and other fish;
  • mustard;
  • oats.

What foods are prohibited?

Some foods can make your condition worse:

  • semi-finished products;
  • smoked and salted foods;
  • baking;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • chocolate.


Diet for cervical cancer should include decoctions and infusions from special herbal preparations. According to the recipe of one of them, it is necessary to pour a teaspoon of a mixture prepared from the following medicinal plants taken in equal parts with a glass of boiling water:

  • plantain;
  • succession;
  • yarrow;
  • medicinal sweet clover;
  • st. John's wort;
  • wormwood paniculata;
  • dill seeds;
  • thorny tartar;
  • sage and nettle roots.

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Infused for half an hour and strained infusion should be taken in the morning and evening for half a glass after eating for a year.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervix. This form of cancer is one of the first among oncological diseases of the genital organs. Most often, oncopathology affects women aged 35-55 years.

Radiation treatment for cervical cancer is a priority, especially if the oncological process is at the third or fourth stage. If the pathology is detected at an earlier stage, radiation therapy is combined with surgery.

Radiation exposure consists in exposing cancer cells to X-rays, which leads to the destruction of atypical tissues and the cessation of their growth. At the same time, healthy cells receive minimal damage.

Internal irradiation

Cervical cancer is one of the most serious diseases in women. Various methods are used to treat it, one of which is radiation therapy.

This method involves irradiating the problem area with X-rays, resulting in the destruction of cancer cells. In this case, the effect is also exerted on healthy cells, however, it is not so strong.

It is very important to understand that many circumstances affect the effectiveness of radiation therapy. These are the characteristics of the patient's health, the stage of the disease, comorbidities, the presence of bad habits, nutrition.

Fruits and berries against cancer

Fruits will also help to cope with the manifestations of the disease and alleviate the condition. Experts advise using:

  1. Apricot. The anti-cancer properties are attributed to apricot pits. But there are both supporters and ardent opponents of this theory. The fruit itself has a large amount of vitamins and trace elements: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9.
  2. Garnet. Scientifically proven that this fruit stops further growth of cancer cells. To achieve the effect, you need to drink 3 cups of juice a day. Supplements containing genistein can be taken together. You can eat soybeans, because it also contains genistein.
  3. Grapefruit contains a substance called lycopene that helps fight tumors. This fruit has slightly less of it than tomatoes. But grapefruit is not inferior to the latter in health value. In addition to lycopene, the composition contains a large amount of vitamin C.
  4. Berries: raspberries, blueberries, blackberries. They contain anthocyanins - substances that fight cancer cells. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants and ellagic acid. When added to the diet, they can help even with stage 2 cervical cancer, and not only at the onset of the disease.

Sample diet menu for ovarian cancer

The cost of a set of products varies widely and depends on many factors, respectively, financial costs range from 3000 to 4500 rubles per week.

The diet for cervical cancer suggests taking as the basis of the diet vegetables, berries and fruits that were grown in ecologically clean areas without the use of various chemical additives. Medical research has shown that in the fight against disease and to prevent it, you need to eat 4-5 servings of plant foods every day, which should not be processed, that is, fresh.

Priority should be given to fruits with a bright color and leafy greenery, since it can inhibit the development of tumor processes. Unfortunately, in many regions it is very difficult to comply with such rules, since in winter the diet can be enriched only with greenhouse or imported vegetables and fruits.

Raw materials must be taken in equal quantities and a spoonful of the finished mixture is brewed in a glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour and a half. After that, the infusion must be filtered and taken half a spoon twice a day, two hours after the meal. You need to take such a drug for one year.

Diet for cancer of the cervix, ovaries suggests giving up the consumption of the following foods and drinks:

  • Smoked, fatty, spicy and highly salted foods
  • Products containing artificial additives
  • Confectionery products
  • Chocolate and cocoa
  • Semi-finished products
  • Strong tea
  • Alcohol

Salt and sugar intake should be severely restricted.

Diet for cancer of the cervix, ovaries may have a menu of this kind:

  • Breakfast: freshly prepared carrot juice
  • Second breakfast: buckwheat porridge with a slice of yesterday's bread and a cup of green tea
  • Lunch: soup with barley and vegetables, as well as a slice of yesterday's bread, stewed beets, homemade noodles and tea with the addition of milk
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole and avocado and green vegetable salad, plus fresh juice
  • Before bed: apple juice or kefir

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Diet for cancer of the cervix, ovaries must be compiled with the help of the attending physician, since only he can give exact recommendations.

The basis of your diet as part of such a diet should be vegetables, berries, and fruits grown exclusively in ecologically clean areas without the use of any chemical additives. Ideally, the fruits are dacha or purchased at the bazaar. Then you can know for sure that you are buying a natural product from the garden.

According to a number of medical studies, in the fight against the disease, as well as for its prevention, you need to eat 4-5 servings of plant foods daily. Moreover, it should not undergo any thermal or chemical processing - that is, the fruits must be fresh.

Give preference to leafy greens and brightly colored fruits - these are the foods that can slow down the development of tumor processes. However, in many regions it is quite difficult to follow such dietary rules, since in the cold season, the diet can only be enriched with imported or greenhouse vegetables and fruits.

Fish plays an especially important role in the therapeutic diet, as it contains many beneficial fatty acids that inhibit the development of cancer cells. If you include meat on your menu, choose only lean varieties.

Do not forget to include sprouted cereals and various cereals in your menu. All products can be eaten boiled, baked and raw. If you have a double boiler, you can cook food in it too - this method of cooking allows you to save maximum useful properties product.

Fermented milk and cereal products

From fermented milk products, it is better to choose kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese. Eat them every day, but in moderation. Cheese can be eaten not every day and only a few pieces. For bakery products, give preference to whole grain bread. Sometimes it can be replaced with bread. It is necessary to completely abandon muffins and white bread. Porridge should also be made from whole grains. They contain a large amount of vitamins and bring invaluable benefits to the body: remove toxins, improve bowel function, reduce cholesterol

Prohibited Products

As there are foods that help improve well-being, and vice versa, deterioration.

Prohibited food for cancer

Diet for cervical cancer involves excluding the following foods:

  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • too fatty and fried foods;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • confectionery;
  • chocolate;
  • genetically modified foods;
  • semi-finished products.

Important! Salt, sugar and spices should be used in limited quantities.

Harmful products

The diet for uterine cancer denies the use of such drinks and food as:

  • strong alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • strong black tea;
  • confectionery and sweet products;
  • smoked, spicy, salty, fatty and chemical additives products;
  • semi-finished products, canned food and marinades;
  • sausages.

A balanced, varied diet for cervical cancer is, most importantly, a balanced, systematic and coordinated food intake program, in each case of which the individual restrictions and recommendations of the attending physician are taken into account.

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Anti-cancer vegetables

For cancer, vegetables should be eaten with every meal. The daily norm is at least 500 g. Any vegetables are needed, but there are a number of those that are especially useful in the event of a cancerous tumor:

  1. Broccoli is an irreplaceable source of valuable substances. This vegetable is especially useful for gynecological diseases. Contains a huge amount of vitamins (C, E, A) and trace elements (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, iodine). Nutrition for cervical cancer includes other types of cabbage: cauliflower, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts. Use them as a side dish or in salads.
  2. Tomatoes are included in the menu of cancer patients mainly because of their lycopene content. This is a substance that prevents the process of gene mutation and protects healthy cells from destruction. Our bodies do not produce lycopene, which is why it is so important to get it through food.
  3. Asparagus contains polysaccharides, which scientists claim fight tumors. It is rich in choline, biotin and folic acid, which support optimal blood sugar levels. The flavonoids in asparagus have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Pumpkin improves metabolism, boosts immunity, and kills cancer cells. Contains vitamins B and C, carotene, iron, phosphorus, potassium and many other essential trace elements. But people with stomach diseases should limit the use of this vegetable.
  5. Carrots are included in the menu of almost all cancer patients. Beta-carotene, which is one of its main elements, is able to inhibit the development of "bad" cells. There are real stories in which people were cured of cancer in the early stages by drinking several glasses of freshly squeezed carrot juice every day.
  6. Beet. There are known cases of recovery from cancer in people who ate beets daily. Anti-cancer properties are possessed by special substances contained in it. They are called anthocyanins. Experts recommend drinking about 500-600 ml of juice daily. Before drinking, the juice must be kept in the refrigerator or on the window for at least 2 hours. When freshly squeezed, it causes nausea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure and a number of other side symptoms.
  7. Radish. Research has shown that this vegetable has anti-cancer effects. But in order for these properties to unfold, the radish must lie in the fresh air. Therefore, you need to use it like this: grate and let it brew for about half an hour.
  8. Greens: spinach, parsley, watercress, etc. It is better to eat it unprocessed, so it retains maximum vitamins. Greens can be added to salads, main dishes, or vegetable and fruit shakes.

Must Read: Cervical Cancer

In the early stages, signs of a tumor may be absent, or manifest as an implicit discomfort.

As the malignant process develops, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pathological bleeding from the vagina or mucous discharge with blood streaks;
  • vaginal bleeding after intercourse, douching and gynecological examinations;
  • change in the duration of menstruation:
  • pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated during intercourse;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • prolonged temperature not higher than 37.5 degrees (subfebrile temperature);
  • anemia.

All signs are nonspecific and may indicate other gynecological diseases. The duration of the symptoms is of decisive importance.

Vaginal discharge in cervical cancer is often irregular and may not be associated with menstrual bleeding in any way (this is the first thing women should pay attention to).

Diagnosis of cervical cancer

Identification of the disease begins with a conversation between the doctor and the patient. The gynecologist conducts a detailed questioning about all the symptoms of the disease, examines the patient's anamnesis (information about all diseases transferred in the past is important).

Then a manual gynecological examination is carried out, a smear is taken for cytology and, if necessary, a colposcopy is performed. Sometimes it is possible to determine the type of tumor (endophytic, exophytic or combined).

Then more detailed diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  • ultrasound procedure, which allows you to accurately determine the size of the tumor (recently, ultrasound tomography has also been used to obtain a more visual image);
  • histological examination: for this, a biopsy or diagnostic curettage is performed using an electrosurgical loop - scraping from the cervical canal and the walls of the uterus;
  • radiography to detect possible metastases in the lungs and other organs;
  • CT scan, which also allows you to detect the spread of a malignant process through the lymphatic system and detect changes in the liver and abdominal organs (if necessary, the study is carried out using contrast agents);
  • blood analysis (general, biochemical, as well as analyzes for tumor markers);
  • cytological examination (PAP test, aka Papanicolaou test);
  • lymphography (study of the lymphatic system);
  • irriography (X-ray examination of the rectum to detect the spread of the tumor).

PCR analysis is also used to detect the papilloma virus. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) allows not only to detect the virus, but also to determine its oncogenicity (activity and ability to provoke the development of malignant tumors).

The detection of the human papillomavirus (HPV) is not a direct indication of the presence of uterine cancer: this is only the basis for constant monitoring by a gynecologist and a more serious attitude to one's health. Women at risk should be diagnosed at least once a year.

Video: All About Uterine Cancer


Therapy for cervical cancer is carried out in a comprehensive manner.


  • surgery (hysterectomy: removal of the uterus, appendages, pelvic tissue with lymph nodes);
  • radiation therapy - remote and intracavitary (carried out in combination with surgery, or with chemotherapy at 3-4 stages of the disease, when radical excision is ineffective);
  • chemotherapy - drug treatment is carried out with cytostatics;
  • immunotherapy (treatment with interferons that increase and modulate the body's immunity).

Can cervical cancer be completely cured, that is, without subsequent relapses? The answer to this question depends on the stage at which doctors began treating the disease. If a tumor is detected at an early stage, successful treatment and long-term remission are possible in almost 90%.

Nutrition (diet)

Modern medicine confirms the fact that combining the main treatment with diet therapy accelerates recovery even in the case of such a serious illness as cervical cancer.

The basis of dietary nutrition for uterine cancer should be vegetables, fruits and berries grown in environmentally friendly conditions without the use of chemical additives. Studies have shown that daily consumption of plant-based foods inhibits tumor growth. Preference should be given to fruits with bright colors and greenery: these products inhibit malignant processes.

In many regions, it is quite difficult to follow a fruit diet in winter: in this case, it is necessary to increase the content of fresh vegetables and berries in the diet - carrots, beets, turnips, cabbage, pumpkins, cranberries, lingonberries.

It is also useful to include in the diet:

  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheeses, yoghurts);
  • cereals (oatmeal is especially valuable, as well as sprouted wheat grains);
  • garlic and horseradish;
  • nuts of all kinds;
  • legumes.

It is better to cook food with steam or in the oven. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw. It is also useful to drink decoctions of herbs from sage, yarrow, nettle, wormwood, plantain, St. John's wort. Phytopreparations have a depressing effect on cancer cells, increase the body's immunity, and also stop bleeding.

Some foods should be completely excluded from the menu:

  • smoked meats;
  • animal fats;
  • fried foods;
  • hot seasonings;
  • confectionery;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • semi-finished products;
  • "fast food";
  • carbonated drinks.

A special menu with an abundance of vitamins and nutrients, restoring strength, should be adhered to during the recovery phase after surgery, radiation and drug therapy.

An example of a menu for uterine cancer:

Breakfast # 1: fresh carrot juice.
Breakfast # 2: buckwheat porridge with whole grain bread, green tea.
Dinner: pearl barley soup with vegetables, stewed beets, baked fish, tea with milk.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, avocado and green vegetable salad, fresh fruit juice.
Before bedtime: kefir or fruit juice.

In addition to diet, the correct organization of the daily regimen contributes to recovery - good sleep, rest, stay in the fresh air. It is advisable to spend the period of rehabilitation in a sanatorium-resort specialized institution.


Patients, of course, are interested in the question - how long do they live with uterine cancer? Even the most qualified specialist cannot give a definite answer. The prognosis of survival is influenced by a large number of concomitant factors - the stage of the disease, the patient's age, the state of the body, the state of the immune system.

At stage 1, competent surgical treatment in combination with subsequent radiation therapy ensures a survival rate of more than 85-90% of patients within 5 years.

If a disease is detected at stage 2, the chances are reduced to 60%, since the malignant processes can already begin to spread to the surrounding healthy tissues. In this case, the correct course of radiation and chemotherapy after surgical excision of the tumor is important.

The survival rate of patients with stage 3 cancer for 5 years is reduced to 35-40%, since there is metastasis of the tumor to nearby organs. Complete recovery in grade 3 tumors is unlikely.

At stage 4, only 10% of patients overcome the five-year period - subject to constant palliative treatment. The probability of a lethal outcome is very high: it is not possible to stop the spread of cancer cells through the blood vessels and vessels of the excretory system, and multiple metastases quickly lead to functional failure of the lungs, liver and other organs.

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