Virgo horoscope for October 1. Love horoscope - Virgo

“Time to scatter stones, and time to collect stones” - under this motto most of October can pass. Indeed, one streak in your life has ended and another begins - more even and predictable.

Work, career. Virgo october 2017

Moving Jupiter will make you think about moving, developing a business in another city or another country. It is in this direction that you can work during the next year and will certainly achieve your goal. In October, you also have trips, important meetings, and most of them will be very successful. You will be assertive, energetic, and woe to those who stand in your way. Many will have plans to buy real estate, and they will begin to take shape next month. A burst of energy and self-confidence will help to deal with serious problems and attract even the most inveterate skeptics to your side. The latter include certain comrades who, as before, claim what you consider to be your merit. Constructive negotiations and an end to the war are real with them in the near future. An employee may think about changing jobs and try to look for a job in a foreign or nonresident company. In this regard, moving or frequent travel is real.

Money. Virgo october 2017

Financially, October is very good. The money will come in regularly, and their amount will slightly increase. At the same time, you will have to pay off some debts, pay off the obligations assumed. Business outside the world will spend a lot of money on the needs of the family or loved ones.

Love, family. Virgo october 2017

This month, charm, charm and a good sense of humor will be your trump cards. In this situation, there can be no personal failures in life. Disappointed and lonely people can count on an interesting meeting, and maybe it will happen on a trip or in a circle of people who have come from afar. Separated by distance, lovers happily unite, it is possible to move to a passion living in another city or another country. Relationships with children are becoming calmer, although you still have to spend decent money on the needs of your children. Many will have plans to relocate, as well as improve relations with relatives living in another city or another country. In this regard, some will think about purchasing new housing and in the near future they will bring their plans to life. In a word, life is changing and, as the stars predict, it is changing for the better.

"Time to scatter stones, and time to collect stones" - most of October may pass under this motto. Indeed - one streak in your life is over and another begins - smoother and more predictable.

Love, Virgo family in October 2017

This month, charm, charm and a good sense of humor will be your trump cards. In this situation, there can be no personal failures in life.

Disappointed and lonely people can count on an interesting meeting, and maybe it will happen on a trip or in a circle of people who have come from afar.

Separated by distance, lovers happily unite; it is possible to move to a passion living in another city or another country.

Relations with children are becoming more relaxed, although you still have to spend decent money on the needs of your children.

Many will have plans to relocate, as well as improve relations with relatives living in another city or another country. In this regard, some will think about purchasing new housing and in the near future they will bring their plans to life.

In a word, life is changing and, as the stars predict, it is changing for the better.

To look charming in October 2017, the Virgo horoscope recommends doing a haircut and hair coloring according toLunar calendar of haircuts for October 2017.

Career, Finance Virgo in October 2017

Moving Jupiter will make you think about moving, developing a business in another city or another country. It is in this direction that you can work during the next year and will certainly achieve your goal.

In October, you also have trips, important meetings, and most of them will be very successful. You will be assertive, energetic, and woe to those who stand in your way.

Many will have real estate plans that will begin to take shape next month.

A burst of energy and self-confidence will help to deal with serious problems and attract even the most inveterate skeptics to your side. The latter include some comrades who still claim what you consider to be your merit. Constructive negotiations and an end to the war are real with them in the near future.

An employee may think about changing jobs and try to look for a job in a foreign or nonresident company. In this regard, moving or frequent travel is real.

Financially, October is very good. The money will come in regularly, and their amount will slightly increase. At the same time, you will have to pay off some debts, pay off the obligations you have assumed.

Business outside the world will spend a lot of money on the needs of the family or loved ones.

Virgo horoscope for October 2017

Common Virgo horoscope for October 2017

The horoscope for October 2017 for the representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign shows that this month will be for many a period of accomplishments and work on their own fears. This is not only about phobias themselves, but also about various qualities that prevent you from fully enjoying life: for example, insecurity, excessive suspiciousness, and so on. To understand your feelings and better understand yourself, the astro-forecast advises to conduct an “audit” of the home.

Dealing with old stuff and getting rid of unnecessary trash, you will unexpectedly find answers to questions that have worried you for a long time. It is also beneficial to modernize the house during this period. Have you been planning to make repairs for a long time? Stop planning - take action!

Virgo October 2017 work and finance horoscope

Professionally, as the stars say, many representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign are faced with the fact that the people around you will dissuade you from implementing a particular project. The stars are advised not to deviate from their goal. It is highly likely that the “advisers” are guided by elementary envy, or they simply do not know the whole essence of the situation. Trust, first of all, your own feelings. At times, it will feel like it’s out of control, but don’t fuss. If you manage to keep calm, for sure, everything will soon not only get better, but will become even better than it was before.

Heavenly bodies advise Virgos to think about how to improve their material condition. It is not necessary for this to look for ways to earn extra money or even change jobs. For many Virgos, it will be enough to analyze your spending. Surely, by doing this, you can significantly save money. Go shopping with a list and you will be surprised how much less money you can spend.

Love horoscope and Virgo family for October 2017

In the first half of October 2017, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign in a relationship will be able to fully enjoy the tenderness and affection emanating from your chosen one. Pay him a hundredfold: this will only make you feel good, and the connection, for sure, will be even stronger. For those Virgos who are still lonely, but are not at all averse to correcting this state of affairs, the stars are advised to be less critical of the people around you. Everyone (including you) is not perfect. Perhaps your requirements are too high?

Virgo woman will get a lot of pleasure from communicating with the opposite sex. Light flirting and a little coquetry will give you self-confidence.

Virgo health horoscope for October 2017

In the second month of autumn 2017, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign are recommended to perform at least basic physical activity. The main thing is that they are regular. Even 20-minute workouts (provided that you do them at least 5-6 times a week), in fact, will perfectly transform your figure and improve your well-being. By the way, sports will perfectly improve your mood! Don't be lazy, and soon it will become a habit. Also at this time it will be easier for you than before to instill, both yourself and other family members, the principles of rational nutrition.

Favorable and unfavorable days October 2017 Virgo

Auspicious Virgo days October 2017 - October 4, October 10, October 14, October 22, October 27, October 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days Virgo October 2017 - October 2, October 17, October 26, 2017.

Virgo is proud of her successes and rests on her laurels of past achievements - the horoscope predicts for October 2019. Virgo is completely and completely occupied with narcissism, and at this time their more agile and agile competitors will not miss the chance to bypass her in all significant positions.


Already in the middle of the month, Virgos may find that the contract on which the stake was made was signed with an enterprise that no one even considered as a competitor, or a colleague got a profitable project. This will be a huge blow to the pride of Virgos and force them to take irrational actions, the consequences of which will have to be disentangled for a long time in the future. At this time, you can ruin your reputation and heat up the situation in the work collective.

Only scrupulous performance of their work duties will allow Virgos to avoid mistakes and stay in their previous positions. It is better to postpone business trips and business visits in October 2019: their result is unlikely to satisfy the representatives of the zodiacal house and their leadership. Luck can only smile on Virgos engaged in medicine or cosmetology. Virgo's ability to engage in self-promotion will help to find new customers.


In October 2019, Virgos will need a stable and measured relationship with their soul mate more than ever. This need will turn them into reliable allies who will never doubt the merits of their chosen one or chosen one. A lot of time will be devoted to children. The younger generation will become a source of quiet joy and pride, and Virgo will perceive all the positive qualities of children as solely their own merit. Do not persuade him, and it is unlikely that someone will succeed.
In household chores, it is difficult to keep up with the energetic Virgo, energetic representatives of the zodiacal house will strive to dominate even in everyday matters, and their pace will not leave even the slightest chance to do something better or faster.
The events of the last decade of October will show Virgo the irrationality of the life strategy “Live today and now”. Virgos never have a "stash" for a rainy day, and unexpected spending at the end of the month can push them into a financial hole - warns the horoscope for October 2019. You can count on the help of friends and family, but in the future, try to give yourself and your family at least a small financial cushion that can soften the fall under the onslaught of circumstances that require significant spending.

Virgo woman

The nature of the Virgo will make staying with her for a long time quite difficult - according to the horoscope for October 2019. Virgo woman will in every possible way emphasize her independence and independence, and this can become a reason for conflict with others, especially since before the Virgo rarely demonstrated these qualities your character. The consequences of such behavior can be the most unpredictable: from a shocking haircut to a relationship that seems to have been broken for no apparent reason. But this only when viewed from the outside has no explanation. The need for change has long been ripe, and every decision made by Virgo in October is weighed and considered a hundred times. And intuition, which also played a significant role in making a decision, will serve its mistress well.

Virgo man

Representatives of the Virgo zodiacal house will have to go through a restless and very nervous period this fall. The horoscope for October 2019 Virgo men is a real leapfrog, this leads to such a state of affairs that with visible well-being and success, Virgo will rarely be pleased with herself. Everyone and everyone will be ruthlessly criticized, relationships with relatives and friends will be analyzed, and conclusions will rarely be comforting for everyone. During this period, there is a strong decline in the self-esteem of the representatives of the sign, and this will leave its mark on all events, but which Virgo can affect all visible well-being, in August they are absolutely ruthless to themselves. And if a Virgo man suffers some troubles in his personal life, it will cause a flurry of emotions and a sea of \u200b\u200bworries, even if these troubles are insignificant and easy to fix. A recommendation from the stars - distract yourself in every possible way.

Virgo child

Little Virgo in October 2019 will often experience bouts of self-doubt and dissatisfaction with their own results. Hearing the disapproval of adults, the baby can completely withdraw into himself. Patience, trusting relationships, and words of encouragement will help your child regain confidence in themselves. Show your love often. Hug and caress the little Virgo - your support is now extremely important to stabilize your child's psycho-emotional background.


The queue in front of the doctor's office, pills, a thermometer and a ruined weekend ... Want to avoid it? Then dress for the season and try to strengthen your immune system in all available ways. There are still seasonal fruits, vegetables and herbs on the shelves of stores, and the benefits from their use will be much greater than swallowing tablets of a vitamin and mineral complex, even if it costs a lot of money.
It's time to finally pay attention and time to the figure, to lose a couple of kilograms will not hurt many representatives of the zodiacal house of Virgo. You should not torment yourself with exhausting diets, ideal nutrition is fractional. Eat often, up to 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
At the end of the month, many representatives of the sign may need an ENT consultation. Self-medication of otitis media or sinusitis will not be beneficial, most likely, you will simply miss the time and the disease will become chronic. You cannot do without a powerful course of antibiotics.

Horoscope for October 2019, Virgo has lost her guard. Your competitors are outflanking you - be careful.
It is better to postpone business trips and trips for a while.
Virgo woman in a relationship makes an important decision.
Horoscope for November 2019 Virgo.

The main patron saint of Virgo, Mercury, in October 2017 will be in a fairly stable and confident position. On the other hand, his position will not be clearly dominant, which means that we are talking about complete freedom of action. At the same time, you will have to solve some situations on your own, in the full sense of this concept. But it is unlikely that this alignment will "strain" you, you will most likely be ready for it. In fact, we are talking about the fact that the previous life stage will set you in the right mood, and either itself will lead you to the appropriate conclusions, providing a solid resource base, or you will do it yourself. There is no significant difference, because in any case now you will have to act in the most active way with an orientation towards an impeccable result. In the work area, an increase or access to projects of a fundamentally different level is likely. Of course, those working for themselves will have their own, unique nuances, but we will dwell on them below. The sphere of emotions will delight you with new opportunities and for some Virgo this period can really become fateful. New acquaintances, in particular - new relationships, will be just the tip of the iceberg. But remember that Venus is now extremely aggressive towards your sign. Do not neglect the opinions of others and rely too much on your instincts, this will lead to defeat.

If we dwell on the working direction in more detail, it makes sense to note that in October 2017 people born in the zodiac sign of Virgo will feel confident, despite the fact that many of their entourage will not be in the most advantageous position. It is important here not to boast of your position, even if it is more entirely your own merit. If necessary (and sometimes without it) help your colleagues, in some places with advice, and in some places with deeds. If you have your own business, the stars recommend focusing on tasks that offer one-time benefits. Now there is no need to build far-reaching plans. If you are not working for yourself, it is worth considering changing your priorities. Perhaps you will choose a new goal for yourself, maybe the changes will affect your work environment and you will not at all initiate them. In any case, something fundamentally new is waiting for you. But you do not need to adjust your plans, you should not be afraid of this, as already noted - you will be ready for any metamorphosis. This means that you have everything you need to be successful. Just don't forget about the position of Venus! Control your emotions and do not focus on the communicative aspect, now diplomacy is not your strong point. Do not mix business and feelings, do not allow yourself too much, otherwise you will come to an unsatisfactory ending.

"Love Front" in October 2017 can bring Virgo a lot of interesting and frankly positive moments, although it is worth noting here that some situations may cause you confusion. Actually, this is unlikely to unsettle you, on the contrary, everything will return to normal and the new state of affairs in the end will only please you. As they say now, do not strain, just enjoy life and do not interfere with others doing it. The first half of the month will pass quite calmly, but at the end of the second decade, events are likely that may have a fundamental, defining meaning for you. In no case do not refuse any offers (except the craziest ones), do not try to solve your problems alone and do not distance yourself from loved ones, even if their position does not appeal to you at all. Circumstances will put everything in its place, all that is required of you is active participation. Moreover, someone now really can meet their "destiny". Just do not indulge your weaknesses, be more confident and try to remain sober. Otherwise, Venus will turn your weaknesses against you, and then it will be difficult to name the circumstances under which the result of your actions will suit you.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2017 for the Virgo zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, the Moon and the Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our fate is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is generalized and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign. A more accurate horoscope can be found by compiling one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for Virgo: Personal horoscopes for Virgo:

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