Horoscope - Scorpio. Horoscope Scorpio Family Horoscope Scorpio

Scorpios, take care of the nerves of those around you - today you are near gentle and impressionable creatures. Go about your business and look at your phone more often - some representatives of your sign will have good news from afar. It is advisable to spend the evening outdoors - dress warmly, weather forecasters do not like to joke.

Scorpio. Weekly horoscope from 26/12/2017 to 01/01/2017

Scorpios, you will reduce social activity and be busy with personal and household chores. And really, how much energy can you give for others, when you need to buy gifts, and meet with friends, and go to the post office, and resolve personal issues in different instances, and put the house in order for the holiday? Start your week by taking care of yourself by visiting a hairdresser or beauty salon on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday you will be busy with financial matters: buying gifts, looking for money, thinking over what you will celebrate the New Year in, cleaning up your closets. On Thursday, the Lunar month begins, dedicated to relationships with others - neighbors, relatives, acquaintances. Your social circle will expand. But this will happen already in January: on the weekend, you would prefer to celebrate New Year at home with your family.

Scorpio. Financial horoscope for 26/12/2017 to 01/01/2017

Scorpios, it's time to strengthen your financial situation. Buy those expensive and necessary things that will serve you for a long time. Get rid of old things to make room for new ones. Save money by not buying unnecessary things and spending on vacation. It will be more pleasant for you to have a rest modestly and save money. Some of you will unexpectedly receive financial assistance from an elderly person, a father, a boss. New income may suddenly appear. He will give little money, but regularly and for a long time. On Mondays and Tuesdays, it can be helpful to tidy up closets and get rid of old things. On Wednesday, you will purchase something to decorate and comfort your home. And on the weekend, gifts will be poured into your house.

Scorpio. Love horoscope from 11/03/2019 to 18/03/2019

Scorpios, like some signs, will want to extend their holidays. You have the right. Arrange a romantic date for your spouses in the middle of the week, put off all conversations about everyday problems. Lonely Scorpios will be active in their search, but the stars cannot guarantee you anything serious yet.

Scorpio. Love compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Scorpios, happiness awaits you with the signs traditionally compatible with you - the elements of Earth and Water. What kind of relationship will be and what are their main advantages, you have to guess for yourself. Each representative of these signs is unique, which does not allow to single out something common for all couples. There will be only one common feature - an ideal, harmonious relationship. But what advantages are inherent in your partner, you will figure it out for yourself. After all, it is not for nothing that Scorpios have a reputation for subtle psychologists, perceptive and gifted with extraordinary intuition.

The circumstances of the day dispose Aries to solitude, but do not forbid contact with the world. This is a good moment for correspondence and telephone conversations. Stormy feelings at this time calm down, they can be analyzed and discussed with others. Having a trusting conversation can help you resolve minor disagreements with the female workforce. If you have no one to talk to, pour out your heart in your diary, write on your personal blog. If you are a believer, it will be useful for you to attend confession today.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Taurus

Great time for meetings and negotiations. In a dialogue with a marriage partner, gentleness, delicacy, and a calm, benevolent tone will not be superfluous. At this time, you and your interlocutors have many common themes. This is an opportune moment for Taurus, who make money by consulting, teaching, tutoring, mediating. If you are passionate about any kind of applied art, then you can sign up for short-term courses, make yourself an advertisement or find a suitable buyer.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Gemini

Discussions today are becoming more peaceful and constructive. Gemini can realize and accept what they did not want to put up with the day before. If your work is related to communication, documents, intellectual activity, information exchange, you can once again prove to your superiors that you are needed and in demand. You might want to talk to your boss or employer face to face. It will be difficult for women to reconcile their unconscious everyday habits with the demands of society or profession.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Cancer

You should inquire about the children’s studies and behavior, as well as their prospects. Cancers can easily find a common language with their child's teacher. The opinion of a loved one can also become important for you (including in matters related to travel, aesthetics, literature, philosophy). Women today will attract wit, intelligence, sincerity of manners, versatility of tastes. While maintaining your uniqueness, you will be able to please everyone and will successfully fit into any company.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Leo

The brightness inherent in Leo can look a little defiant today. The day is suitable for small settlements and small purchases at home. You can talk to someone you trust about a difficult and painful topic. Discuss routine business matters in a private setting, free from unnecessary formalities. Possible meetings and trips related to the study of documents, money transfers, inheritance of property. In these areas, the opinion of the female part of the family may become the most important.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Virgo

For Virgos, it will be important to master the art of diplomacy until nightfall. The fate of their marital union may depend on how great their talents in this area are. If you are not strong in this difficult area, try to resort to the mediation of relatives or to written communication that allows you to hide (soften) something. Women born under the sign of Virgo will want to remain loved, feminine, charming, no matter what. On this day, your intellect serves attraction, and not vice versa.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Libra

Today, your work may be related to training, information exchange, information retrieval. You can study office documents, prepare an ordinary report, send or view routine business correspondence. Do not refuse to talk with colleagues. From them you will hear not only gossip, but also something useful. Your secret weapon in undercover intrigues can be compromising evidence on someone. Libra, undergoing treatment, does not hurt to visit a doctor or buy missing medicines.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Scorpio

Communication with your loved one today is not a luxury, but your primary need. You may have to often exchange letters and SMS with your passion. It is best if there are no secrets left between you, because at this time it is easy for you to tell each other the most difficult things. Scorpio parents are encouraged to establish closer contact with their children, both verbally and emotionally. If you are a creative person, do not miss an opportunity to apply your literary talent, reveal your poetic or musical gift.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Sagittarius

You're going to need stealth today. Perhaps you find out a family or work secret. Communicating with the female part of the team can go wrong if you don't know how to maintain typical ladies' conversations. Sagittarius born in mid-December should show maximum delicacy in contacts with the fair sex. At the same time, do not try to adapt to other people's tastes: you will not please everyone. Reschedule the search for cosmetics, medicines, jewelry, as well as a cardinal change of image to another day.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Capricorn

A great day for communication, poetry. It is good for private meetings, secret negotiations, remote contacts. Capricorns who are married or in free cohabitation will enjoy a sincere dialogue with their soul mate. You may receive an interesting letter. Interlocutors, even casual ones, will see right through you today. If you want to communicate on equal terms, respond with the same discernment. This is a good time to study psychology, especially the ulterior motives of other people's behavior.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Aquarius

The logical mind of Aquarius today is unlikely to be able to manifest itself. Nevertheless, demonstrate dexterity and ingenuity, at least in monetary matters. For example, do not rush to spend your own funds if you can use someone else's. Don't miss the opportunity to get seasonal discounts. At the same time, do not dream of great benefits, because free cheese lies only in a mousetrap. If strangers want to treat or pamper you, make a concession or a compliment to you, do not flatter yourself: most likely, they are expecting a small response from you.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Pisces

Throughout the day, you will be accompanied by good thoughts, intuitive correct guesses, good news, pleasant meetings. A letter or a call from abroad is not excluded. One can hope for a successful outcome of the negotiations, for smoothing out minor disagreements in a marriage or business tandem. Pisces born in mid-March will often have to use their natural discernment, awareness or diplomatic talent. Do not refuse the offer to sign a lucrative contract, then it will be too late.

Lunar calendar 26 october 2017

-8 lunar day
Growing Moon in Capricorn
This is a day of wisdom, loneliness and concentration, which will require discretion and rationality. An ideal time for self-knowledge, deepening, austerity and humility. Physical and spiritual cleansing is recommended; light a candle and walk around a room or apartment with it. Avoid fuss, don't waste energy.
Haircut - on this day, haircut is strictly prohibited, as it can further adversely affect your fate.
Hair coloring - if you dye your hair with natural dyes, then you will be successful.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails for new acquaintances.
Facial Care - Give your preference to moisturizers.
Body Care - If possible, spend more time outdoors, breathing exercises are beneficial.

Birthday October 26

Agafodor, Agafonika (Agafonik), Alfred, Antigonus, Benjamin, Dioscorus, Zlata, Karp, Nikita, Papila, Trofim, Florenty, Chrysia.

Folk calendar October 26

Agathon. Day of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God.
Bath everyday life: on this day, various medicinal herbs were brought to the baths and epilepsy was driven from the sick.
In the old days, infusions of medicinal herbs were left on the shelf of a heated bath, so that they would flow through there.

Signs October 26

The morning dawn is gray, without bright red tones, without wind - for good weather.
The sky is dark blue, it seems high - towards the bucket.
Day and night, the air temperature almost does not change - to prolonged cloudy weather.

Scorpio horoscope for October 2017.

In October 2017, Scorpios will have a great desire to throw a lot of their lives into the trash. The only thing that will stop you is the confusion of your desires. You know, like in a situation when a cat pissed into his slippers, and you decide - definitely in the trash! Just don't understand the cat or the sneaker? Or both. In any case, you will have an irresistible desire to change something in life, and to throw something unnecessary out of it. Maybe even necessary, but already boring.

So, as you understand, Scorpios in October 2017 will be so creative that even cockroaches in your head will have difficulty understanding the vector of your desires. Next month, Scorpios will rush about in search of self-realization, mainly concentrating on their professional activities, or on any other activity - most importantly outside the home. Therefore, as the horoscope in the head of Scorpios shows next month, there will be a lot of ideas, work, plans and very little space for Love.

As the horoscope shows, if last month you had a lot of new, colorful and interesting things happening every day. For example, nothing. Then in October 2017 the word "nothing" will slowly disappear from your vocabulary. Including from the answer to the question "how are you?" Because you have business next month, there will be a sea, and this sea will not be knee-deep at all. The speed of life will make Scorpios very quickly navigate situations, questions, sentences, "inclusive cases" and problems. And, as you know, nothing orientates a person on the terrain more than looking for a toilet, a lost mobile phone or answering the question - what to grab at first. Therefore, try to be in touch all the time - it is quite possible that someone from the distant past will call you and make a rather interesting offer. Try to be in time everywhere and do everything quickly, quickly. You know that blinking lasts on average half a second, but the camera, bitch, always manages to record this very moment. So in life, he blinked, and probably did not have time.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio shows that the next month is ideal for you to put things in order in your affairs, and slowly start looking into a better future. The horoscope advises October Scorpios to celebrate their birthday in an energy-saving mode. As in the situation when you bought an energy-saving light bulb, came home, screwed it in, but it does not burn. - Everything is correct, it saves energy. This is how October Scorpios should celebrate their birthday in an energy-saving mode and invite only those "who are on fire" to it.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio auspicious days - 3, 4, 14, 15, 19, 21, and 27.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpiounfavorable days - do not predict unfavorable moments, and they will not predict you.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio career, work and business. The main task of the Scorpios in October 2017 in the professional field is to be in time everywhere and not be late. Everything must be done on time, and even to be late must be on time, and although sometimes being late can save you from many problems, this does not apply to Scorpios in October 2017. But if you are really late for work - do not rush. Come up with a reason.

The career horoscope for October 2017 for Scorpios suggests that you use as much as possible in your work, even the oldest connections and acquaintances. In October, you can safely suggest new ideas or directions to your boss. In the next month, Scorpios may even be assigned to lead a new project with a large budget.

Be light on criticism at work - just ignore it (although, let's face it, for Scorpios - it's almost an impossible task). And yet, try not to waste your time in October on envious and intriguing people. And don't take anything other than money into your account.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio Finance... Success in work should bring financial well-being to Scorpios, and practically no time for personal life will also save money.

In October 2017, Scorpios will have a great desire to throw a lot of their lives into the trash. The only thing that will stop you is the confusion of your desires. You know, like in a situation when a cat pissed into his slippers, and you decide - definitely in the trash! Just don't understand the cat or the sneaker?

The name horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio. Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio Love... The reason for many of Scorpios' life mistakes is that you feel where you needed to think - and think where you need to feel. Re-read and remember. In October 2017, you will be able to fix these errors. Next month you will be able to more calmly and correctly look at the existing relationships and new acquaintances.

The horoscope advises family Scorpios to avoid petty quarrels and conflicts, as well as “going to the left”. In October, amorous adventures on the side can bring not only jealousy into your relationship, but also the "autumn cold". It is not for nothing that they say that there are an infinite number of beautiful places on earth, but the most attractive is where they are just waiting for you! So family Scorpios just need to run home more often in October 2017.

The horoscope of promising love affairs does not promise lonely Scorpios. But attention from the opposite sex is quite. Scorpios men - this will remind a situation, a bouquet-candy period - when she and her friends have not yet decided whether she needs this relationship, and you have already spent 16 salaries on her ... Scorpio women should remember that loneliness has nothing to do Besides, whether you have a lot of friends or not, so do not forget that a day is more expensive than a year, and it happens that a person is not worth the evening spent on him. As we already said, October 2017 for Scorpions is a great time to put things in order everywhere, including in the head. It is very similar to the situation when they say - put in order in the HEAD ... Sorted out random THOUGHTS, rubbed EMOTIONS, refreshed MEMORY ... Everything is now IN FULL ORDER ... I DO NOT WANT even to think, so as not to MERRY!

At the end of the horoscope for October 2017 for Scorpios, it is advised to forget about the fear that something bad is about to happen. Such thoughts will often lurk in your head in the next month. Cover them with optimism and constant employment. It's not for nothing that musicians say that you know nothing about fear if your guitar standing at the head of your bed does not fall in the middle of the night. So Scorpios can sleep well - the guitar won't fall.

This is a great day to unleash your creativity. But your own mood will completely depend on the behavior of the people around you. You may encounter obstacles that are difficult to get around. An unexpected act of a partner (opponent) can force you to change your own tactics. However, you will be able to build relationships with your loved one and strengthen emotional understanding with loved ones.

In the morning, there is a high probability of anxiety. But the desire for personal growth and development, expanding knowledge and horizons: this is the basis of your activity on this day. Any actions aimed at expanding knowledge will be appropriate. A generational conflict can occur when conservative parenting views interfere with your self-expression. Getting to know someone from afar can turn into a romantic adventure or become financially profitable.

In the morning, Gemini may have technical difficulties in performing the current work. Events can be associated with excitement and stress. But it is worthwhile to clearly understand that the decisions made at this time will be almost impossible to change. This is a great time to try mutually beneficial cooperation: the first experience of working together may turn out to be successful and later turn into a permanent union. With the right behavior, many Gemini can count on additional support from the outside: for example, family help, respect for children, and the favor of patrons.

Cancers on this day should not allow themselves momentary weaknesses. You should not get carried away with financial and exchange procedures, open bank accounts. Otherwise, money can be lost or stolen. This is a good time to narrow your usual social circle a little or to shorten the time you usually devote to contact with the outside world. The day inclines you to increased responsibility for your actions. It is today that your partner needs your diplomacy and friendliness.

It is worth showing more activity in solving everyday issues. It is worth adding elements of creativity and celebration to the usual routine. If you are a man, then a representative of the opposite sex can play a significant role in your career advancement. At the beginning of the day, a surge of energy is not excluded. Lions on this day can try to infringe on the will of their soul mate. But this is a good time to build a relationship with a marriage partner.

Virgo may have malfunctions in communications, transport and information systems. Any business associated with foreign exchange transactions can be unprofitable. But overcoming critical thresholds and obstacles, especially in movement and communication, will give you pleasure. In relationships with people, pay attention, first of all, not to what relaxes and touches you, but to what you have to do. It is possible that you will be forced to stay late at work, and this fact will cause huge discontent from your marriage partner.

Libra on this day will be difficult to understand the true reasons for their actions. Someone else's unpredictability and uncontrollability can drive you mad. The hustle and bustle of the home and the variety of small household chores can be a source of irritation for you. It is also possible that you yourself will begin to change your intentions on the go, doubt your choice or hesitate in making decisions. Also, cooling between you and your relatives is possible. Changes in external circumstances will create an uncertain situation that will greatly disorient you.

It is better for Scorpios not to put forward personal initiatives on this day. It is better to postpone important meetings, conversations, trips to the morning. Do not rush to draw up and receive official documents (visa, certificate, diploma, contract, decision of any authority): serious flaws are possible in them. Many Scorpios will have the opportunity to be close to their loved one. However, the desire to please your loved one by all means can harm not only you, but the relationship in general.

Streltsov is having a good time to get acquainted with the work experience of his colleagues working in other regions and countries. It is advisable to refrain from attending friendly parties or hobby clubs where you are a regular. An exception should be made only for activities that involve creative thinking and the search for non-standard aesthetic solutions. Large unplanned purchases are also not recommended. The information background today can be negative, you will receive a lot of unreliable information. Lonely Sagittarius should be actively looking for a soul mate.

Capricorns should consciously control emotions (especially anger, jealousy, pride). Do not get carried away by spontaneous spectacular decisions, they may turn out to be wrong and require rework. You may need to revisit in some detail your main goal or the results of recent actions. Unexpected events along the way (especially on a long journey), unforeseen changes in business, exciting turns of a romantic plot are possible. In personal matters, you may feel coldness and alienation in yourself or in a loved one.

Aquarians today may be forced to communicate with people who are unpleasant to them. The emotional state will be less stable, which will have a bad effect on contacts with people around. Perhaps you will be annoyed by someone's presence or some detail of the situation. Show more patience and a willingness to compromise when dealing with clients and business partners. Also, between you and loved ones, disagreements can worsen. It is best to spend this time in solitude or in the company of close friends, a loved one.

Pisces should refrain from contact with suspicious people and illegal activities at the beginning of the day. The psychological atmosphere in the work team can greatly influence your productivity. Your choice of strategy can be influenced by the opinion of friends, the political situation, and a fashion trend. Do not be intimidated by changes, perhaps together with them a whole stage of your activity will be crowned with complete victory. The desire to get new impressions, relax and feel freedom will call you on a journey on a short trip.

Prepared by Sergey Sobolenko, based on materials from besthoro.ru and goroscops.com.

The atmosphere of the day will be extremely tense, so communication with people around you will not work out. The slightest remark or careless word can turn into a conflict. on October 26, 2017 advises in difficult situations to listen to the advice of relatives and experienced colleagues. Ingenuity and persistence will help you overcome the difficulties of the day.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Aries

Aries stars call for consistency and dedication, advise to eliminate moodiness, better manage your reactions and show restraint in unexpected turns of events. Once agreements are reached and a program of action is outlined, it is important not to spoil everything at the last moment. Your positions may be temporarily vulnerable due to dependence on the behavior of other people. An unexpected act of a boss or other official, a partial change of roles or plans can add to the excitement.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Taurus

Taurus today gravitate towards broadening their horizons, they are not averse to getting additional useful information. An example of a partner, a new contract, can stimulate further knowledge acquisition. Replenishment of the information base and personal bank of impressions can occur under critical or unusual circumstances. An unexpected find may surprise. Anxiety should not be avoided: it is they that will help you better remember important points, but you should beware of adventures that can badly affect your health.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Gemini

For Gemini, the day is uneven: a surprise, a moment of excitement, is possible. Events can be educational in nature, remind of the loss of former independence and the need to become more careful. Problems can be caused by unnecessary experimentation, as well as the habit of relying on friends and a fortune where it would be safer to rely on yourself and on following the rules. The threat will be safely prevented, but it is worth remembering the precedent and taking measures for the future, in order to avoid repeating the unpleasant experience.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Cancer

Today Cancers may find it difficult to demonstrate self-control, diplomacy and tolerance, but the stars are advised to show these qualities. Otherwise, some of the brilliant results achieved in the course of negotiations, competition or joint action may be lost. Even if the score is in your favor, do not get carried away and start a new round: haste can have an unexpected effect. It is better to maintain a balance of interests, reduce the intensity of communication or make it less formal.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Leo

Leos should be more careful and patient when doing routine tasks, learning new useful skills, or remembering old ones. Not everything will depend on you: there may be problems due to the novelty of the situation or the loss of the previous dexterity, skill. Do not be nervous if the logic of events does not fit into the familiar system, it is better to look for the cause of the failure. If the efforts gave an unplanned effect, far from the calculated one, it is advisable to study the problem, identify patterns and key details.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Virgo

Virgos can encounter familiar phenomena in relationships with people, in business, in technical or creative pursuits. There may be whims from children, loved ones, friends, relatives, malfunctions in electrical systems. The key issue may be related to money, security, intimate life. The crises of this day do not promise catastrophic consequences, they can have a stimulating effect. Overcoming obstacles can lead to insight or show others your degree of control over the situation.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Libra

Today Libra will make other people's uncontrollable behavior or the general unpredictability of the situation nervous. A source of excitement or irritation can be both professional and home, family, housing situation. The stars suggest that some behaviors are outdated and work by inertia, they advise changing the angle of view to the task. It is possible that you take everything too personally, take on unnecessary responsibility, and only therefore do not notice the obvious constructive solutions.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Scorpio

On this day, it is better for Scorpios to continue what they have begun, or to engage in any free activity prompted by inspiration and chance. An attempt to start a new front of work or go an unfamiliar route can bring unpredictable results or lead to a dead end, educational surprises and unplanned turns may be the only positive effect of your actions. It is better to postpone significant visits, processing correspondence, sending important letters to the morning.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Sagittarius

Sagittarius stars are not advised to force events, force themselves to do something against their will. An exception should be made only for the most important urgent matters, for example, for planned small purchases, health procedures necessary for the situation of office meetings and household chores. It is advisable to refrain from unnecessary spending, especially spontaneous. Expenses and contacts according to the old scheme are not recommended: life suggests new ways, more in line with the spirit of the situation and your changed needs.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Capricorn

Capricorns, especially in January, should control their emotions. Unexpected events today may not be your fault, but your reactions can add instability to yourself. The risk of reckless impulses in response to an unusual turn of events will remain until nightfall. In an unresolved repetitive situation, you may once again repeat a familiar mistake, start to get nervous, which will lead to a waste of energy. The thought of good prospects for the future will add stability and self-control.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Aquarius

It is better for Aquarius to spend this day in solitude, or not to allow intrusion into their inner world and private life, not to advertise their intentions. If you are hyper-communicative, or have to communicate a lot with people by occupation, today it is advisable to avoid oversaturation with information and new acquaintances, to refuse a long stay in a crowd and in potentially dangerous places. Overstrain, publicity, the presence of a threat will negatively affect the physical well-being and the nervous system.

Horoscope for October 26, 2017 Pisces

Pisces can go through a moment of mood swings, feel an overwhelming desire to change plans. Personal views can be influenced by the opinions of friends or the professional community, a social event or trend. The stars advise you not to get carried away with the reconstruction of your programs: this will not bring you satisfaction, and after a short "eclipse" you will inevitably return to your own convictions. Any experiment today will only confirm that not all popular trends are suitable for you personally.

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