How to cook an omelet for a daughter 8 years old. How to make an omelet for a child: a step by step recipe

Baby food must strictly comply with certain requirements. The baby's food should be enriched with vitamins and essential trace elements that contribute to the growth and development of the baby. Therefore, it is a very popular problem that many parents face. As you know, eggs contain a huge amount of vitamins and useful elements that the child's body needs. And if the omelet is prepared for children, then it is recommended to use only fresh eggs. Despite this, the amount of eggs consumed should be considered, since the protein can cause an allergic reaction.

According to experts, it is advisable to include an omelet in the child's diet after he turns one year old. Changes in your baby's diet should be gradual. It is recommended to start with one small piece and then observe the baby's reaction. If he takes the product normally, then the portion can be increased next time. Over time, as the child grows up, you can add foods such as cheese, vegetables, small pieces of meat to the omelet.

Chicken or quail eggs: which ones are better to use?

If we consider the nutritional properties of quail and chicken eggs, then it should be noted that they have their own similarities. However, some children are prone to allergies, so in such situations, it is advisable to make a choice in the direction of a quail product. It is the most acceptable, it is better absorbed by the child's body, and also helps to increase immunity. Before thinking about how much omelet can be given to a child, it must be borne in mind that quail eggs are 2 times smaller than chicken eggs, so you can use more of them.

Is it possible for children to omelette when rashes occur?

The protein included in is a fairly strong allergen. If the parents have decided at what age you can give the child an omelet, but he has an allergy, then you should not despair. Sometimes this behavior of the body does not imply a complete rejection of the food. Indeed, instead of chicken eggs, you can safely use quail eggs, which contain much more vitamins and minerals. But the main feature is that they are not capable of causing an allergic reaction.

The nuances of making baby omelet

Is it possible to give an omelet to a child and at how many months is a problem that prevents caring parents from diversifying the diet of their baby. According to doctors, children are advised to give an omelet from about 7 months. The first portions should consist exclusively of yolk, and after 1 year it is recommended to add protein. Eggs must be fresh and from healthy chicken. Before cooking, they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water to get rid of bacteria.

You can diversify the dish with milk, it is advisable to use one that is specially designed for children, since it is less allergenic. Despite this, you should not add various seasonings and salt. After some time, it is allowed to include vegetables and pieces of chicken meat in the dish.

Children's omelette: basic cooking principles

It is recommended to start making an omelet for a child using a multicooker, double boiler or conventional oven. Indeed, in this way the dish will turn out to be airy, light and healthy. The children's version of the omelet is made from a milk and egg mixture. On average, one egg contains about 60-70 g of milk. It is undesirable to add salt, however, if the baby refuses to eat an unleavened omelet, then a little salt is still allowed.

Some parents often use bell peppers, tender cheese, fresh vegetables, herbs, or soft chicken as fillings. There are many recipes for an omelet for a 1 year old child, which are prepared on the basis of quail eggs, since this product does not cause allergies later. In this case, before baking, the pan should usually be greased with ghee or butter so that the dish does not burn.

Preparing dishes and products for making baby omelet

Before proceeding to familiarize yourself with omelet recipes for a 1 year old child, you should prepare food and the necessary utensils in advance. From the latter, you will need a small bowl, a deep frying pan, steamer molds, a knife, a cutting board, a blender and a mixer.

Products used to prepare baby food must be carefully processed. Fresh vegetables and herbs should be thoroughly rinsed under water several times. It doesn't hurt to pour boiling water over them to get rid of germs and bacteria. So, the vegetables should be peeled, all seeds removed, and finely chopped. Chop the greens as finely as possible with a knife. It is advisable to remove eggs and milk from the refrigerator in advance, as they should be at room temperature.

Classic omelet recipe

Children's food should be tasty, and most importantly, healthy. Therefore, the option where a multicooker is used is the ideal omelet recipe for a 1 year old child. When you can give a dish to a baby, young mothers will have to decide. However, if you adhere to all the rules of preparation, there will be no danger to the health of the child. So, a slow cooker is an indispensable assistant for most parents in cooking, especially an omelet.

To prepare the classic version of the dish, you must use the following ingredients:

  • one chicken egg or two quail yolks;
  • milk - 90 ml;
  • butter or ghee - 7-10 g.

Before the cooking process, you should find out when the child can be given an omelet and at what age. So, at the first stage, you need to thoroughly beat the yolk with milk. Then put the multicooker on the heating mode and throw in a piece of butter. Wait until it melts, then add the mixture obtained from the yolk and milk. Switch on baking mode and wait 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the dish can be considered ready.

If the child has ever eaten cheese, then it can be grated and sprinkled with an omelet on top. It should be noted that children love bright colors and funny pictures. Therefore, it is worth thinking about choosing a suitable plate in advance.

Chicken omelet recipe

The problem associated with the age at which children can be given an omelet and how to cook an omelet for a child is one of the most relevant for young mothers. After all, parents are very worried about the health of their own baby. His food should be not only tasty, but also necessarily healthy. Thus, to prepare an omelet with the addition of chicken breast you must use ingredients such as:

  • boiled young chicken meat - 100-120 g;
  • four quail yolks or two chicken eggs;
  • flour - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • baby milk - 80-100 ml;
  • butter (cow) - 10 g;
  • tomato.

First, mix the yolks, milk and flour and beat everything thoroughly until smooth. Chicken and tomato must be cut into small cubes and added to the liquid mixture. Then we select the multicooker heating mode and throw in the oil. After it is completely melted, you can pour in the omelet. Cook using the baking mode for 20 minutes. Then the dish can be considered ready to eat. It is recommended to add pieces of vegetables or herbs for decoration.

Omelet for children with vegetables

An omelet made from fresh vegetables has a special taste and contains more vitamins and nutrientsrather than the classic version. To prepare a dish, you will need:

  • two chicken eggs;
  • baby milk - 150 g;
  • one spoonful of oatmeal;
  • salt to taste;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • green onions and dill;
  • sweet red pepper.

The presence of fresh vegetables should not disturb and give reason to think about the age at which you can give your child an omelet. Thus, at the first stage of cooking, it is necessary to beat the eggs with milk and salt, then add the oatmeal and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Vegetables must be thoroughly rinsed to remove germs and bacteria. Then the seeds should be removed from the pepper and cut into strips, the onion - into pieces, and the dill should be chopped. A piece of butter is heated in a frying pan, after which the egg mixture is added. Until the omelet has "grabbed", evenly put pepper and herbs. After the bottom begins to fry, the omelet should be folded in half so that the filling is with inside... After 5 minutes, the dish can be sprinkled with chopped onions and served warm.

How to cook an omelet for a child and at what age is an urgent problem for modern parents. In fact, this dish is quite useful if it is cooked correctly and the proportions of the necessary ingredients are strictly observed. To arouse the child's interest in the omelet, it is recommended to seriously tackle decorating it. You can think of many options to cheer up your child. A green pepper decoration in the form of a star or a smile is quite suitable. You can make a tree or a dandelion from greenery. Having shown imagination, you can not only introduce a new dish into the baby's diet, but also cheer him up.

For babies, each mom and grandmother prepares the most healthy and delicious dishes. These include baby omelet in the oven. If your baby is not allergic to eggs and milk, feel free to cook this wonderful omelet.

To cook one serving of omelet for a 1 year old baby in the oven, you will need one egg, 50-60 ml of milk and a little butter to grease the mold.

Beat the egg with a fork, add milk, beat well again. You can use a blender or mixer. If your baby already knows what salt is, add a little salt, but it's best not to. If you are cooking for the whole family at once, pour off a portion of the baby and salt the rest of the mixture.

Grease the molds with butter.

Pour the omelet mixture into molds.

Place the baby omelet tins in the 180 ° C oven for about 15 minutes, depending on your oven. There is no need to strive for a golden brown crust, just after the specified time, check the omelet for readiness with a wooden stick.

Children's omelet for a one-year-old child is ready! Treat your pet as soon as possible!

A cheerful presentation will arouse additional interest of the baby))) Who came to him on such legs?))

The omelet turns out to be the most tender, very tasty! Cook to your health!

At the beginning of complementary feeding, children are allowed only yolks, as the least allergenic component of eggs. The time when you can give an omelet to a child, add whole eggs to other dishes, comes after 1 year. At the same time, the baby's need for easily digestible proteins increases, which can be easily satisfied with egg dishes.

The timing of the introduction of eggs into the diet

Poultry eggs have a high biological value. They are viewed by pediatricians as a source of high quality protein for children. Proteins are the structural components of all living cells, therefore they are vital for the full physical and mental development of the baby. Protein stores in the body are minimal. As soon as it becomes insufficient in the diet, muscle tissue begins to disintegrate. Egg white is complete, that is, it contains a complete list of essential amino acids. Its nutritional value and ease of absorption are comparable to those in breast milk.

Other substances in eggs that have a significant effect on the development of the child:

Useful material Effect on the body
LipidsHigh level of phospholipids, beneficial unsaturated fatty acids prevail. They participate in metabolism, are responsible for immunity, and improve brain function.
VitaminsB2It is necessary for the growth of the child, his formation nervous system... Participates in protein metabolism.
B12The work of the nervous system, participation in the formation of erythrocytes.
AGood eyesight, low susceptibility to infections, healthy skin and mucous membranes. In mothers with vitamin A deficiency, its intake in milk after 6 months is insufficient. Unlike vegetables, eggs contain the vitamin in a "ready-made" form.
ZincSkin regeneration, physical development.
SodiumAcid-base balance, all types of electrical activity of cells.

Eggs are introduced into the diet of infants no earlier than 8 months. By this time, the baby should be familiar with the basic vegetables, fruits, cereals, and meat. Begin feeding with egg yolk. For children under one year old, four chicken or 10 quail yolks per week are enough. They can be added to soups, vegetable purees, yolk omelets.

In the absence of an allergic reaction to the yolk, children from 1 year old begin to inject protein. At first, it is gradually added to dishes, tracking possible allergies. If there are no undesirable reactions, you can enter dishes from whole eggs - omelets, casseroles, puddings.

Children are allowed only heat-treated eggs, as raw ones can cause salmonellosis. The preferred cooking methods are baking, boiling, and steaming. It is undesirable to give fried foods until the age of three.

How to choose products

Requirements for products from which an omelet is prepared for a one-year-old child:

  1. Eggs for making an omelet are preferable for industrial production, since chickens in poultry farms are necessarily vaccinated and checked for dangerous diseases. It is believed that free-range eggs are more beneficial. In the child's menu, you can only use eggs from your own backyard, and not bought on the market. Eggs that have been stored for less than a week are considered dietary.
  2. Milk for children under 2 years old is given a natural fat content - about 3.5%, to satisfy the increased need for lipids. After 2 years, reduced fat dairy products are preferred, but not completely fat-free.
  3. Additional components of the omelet are boiled meat, vegetables, which the child is familiar with and tolerates well. Sausages at this age are prohibited. An omelet for children at 1 year old can be a sweet dish. In this case, fruit purees are added to it, poured with jelly or syrup.
  4. Salt is an essential component of adult meals. It is a source of sodium, a seasoning, and even an antiseptic. In children, it is undesirable to use salt during the feeding period. From 1 year old, the use of salt in the diet is limited, dishes are prepared with the most natural taste. If you're making an omelet for everyone, remove the child's portion first and then add the spices and salt for the rest of the family.

Omelette recipes

Secrets of a lush delicious omelet:

  • children like soufflé omelettes more. To prepare them, separate the proteins, beat them into a foam, then add the yolks and other components;
  • the dish is baked immediately after beating, until the foam has settled;
  • so that the omelet retains its splendor and does not fall off, there should be 1 spoonful of milk for 1 chicken egg in the recipe;
  • if you want to make an omelet of a denser consistency, add a little (for 4 eggs 1.5 tablespoons) flour or semolina;
  • additional components that are added to the omelet should not be cold;
  • it is better to cook an omelette for the whole family at once, so it will turn out to be more delicious.

Steam omelet

The most gentle dietary option for a child's omelet is steam. If you don't have a steamer, you can get by with a colander and a large saucepan. Boiling water is poured onto the bottom of the pan, a colander is placed on top so that it does not touch the water, a container (bowl, silicone or glass mold) with an egg mixture is placed in it. The entire structure is closed with a lid or food foil.

Ingredients for a traditional steamed omelet: 2 eggs, 2 scoops of milk, some vegetable oil, salt if desired.

Steam omelet recipe:

  1. Beat eggs well.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix.
  3. Lubricate the mold with oil, pour the mixture into it.
  4. We place in a steam bath for 20 minutes or place in a double boiler for 15 minutes.

Multicooker omelet

The undoubted advantage of this dish is its ease of preparation. While the omelet is baked, you do not need to follow it and you can fully take care of the child. The optimal number of eggs for this recipe is 6-8, so it's better to cook it for breakfast for the whole family.

To guarantee a juicy and airy omelet in a slow cooker for a child from 1 year old, the following recipe is well suited:

  1. As usual, beat eggs with milk.
  2. Pour the mixture into a bowl greased with butter.
  3. We select the "baking" mode.
  4. The time depends on the power of the multicooker. Usually 20 minutes is sufficient. The omelet should be golden on both sides without crusting.
  5. To prevent the dish from settling, it is left for 10 minutes under the closed lid of the turned off multicooker.

This recipe for a child can be diversified by adding tomatoes, bell peppers, chicken, cauliflower or broccoli, zucchini, hard cheese. Meat, cabbage, zucchini must first be boiled or steamed, pour over the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin.

Protein free omelet

A good recipe for children under one year old and toddlers with protein allergies. Cooking procedure:

  1. Combine yolks and milk (proportion - 50 g of milk for 1 yolk), beat.
  2. Add semolina (a teaspoon for 1 yolk), mix, leave for 15 minutes to swell.
  3. Pour into a mold and bake in the oven for about 15 minutes.

The omelet according to this recipe is dense and has a neutral taste. It can be served to a child with stewed vegetables, fruit syrup or mashed potatoes.

Omelet without milk

Cow's milk is introduced into the diet of children no earlier than 9 months. If your baby is not yet familiar with this product or does not tolerate it well, you can make an omelet without milk.

Classic omelet with butter: beat 3 eggs, pour in 55 g of melted butter, stirring continuously. Cooking in the oven or steamed.

Recipe for children with milk formula:

  1. We make 50 g of the milk mixture using the usual proportions, dilute 0.5 tsp in it. flour.
  2. Beat 1 yolk, mix with the mixture. You can add a little oil.
  3. Pour the mixture into a bowl, send it to the microwave at half power for 2 minutes.

Sweet omelet

If the baby refuses traditional omelettes, you can feed him eggs using unusual sweet recipes. One of them is a Brazilian banana omelet. To prepare it, you need 1 banana, 2 eggs, any natural fruit syrup. Finely chop the banana, put it in a bowl. We drive eggs there, mix with a fork until smooth. We grease the form with oil, put the mixture in it and cook in any convenient way. Serve the finished omelet with caramel or fruit syrup.

Another sweet omelette recipe for children came to us from Canada. It is prepared simply: put the pan on the fire, pour 3 tablespoons of maple syrup into it and let it warm up. Drive in 2 eggs and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. The protein should set, not fry. At the end, we form thick pancakes from the mixture, transfer it to a plate, put a piece of butter on top. Thanks to the syrup, the omelet turns out to be sweet, with a pronounced caramel taste.

Omelet in water and on water

The original recipe for an omelet for a baby at 1 year old without milk. It is not made in a form, like the previous ones, but in a baking bag. To prepare an omelet, mix well, but do not beat 5 eggs, pour in a third of a glass of water, and mix again. Then we pour the mixture into the bag, after checking it for the absence of holes, we tie it with a thread.

Place the bag in a pot of boiling water for 20 minutes so that the egg mixture is completely submerged in the water and the string remains on top. After 20 minutes we take out the omelet, cut into portions and put in the refrigerator. The dish prepared according to this recipe can be eaten cold, reheated without losing its taste and shape.

An omelet is healthy for a child and easy to prepare, perfect for breakfast on a weekday or weekend. An omelet prepared according to this recipe for children from 1 year old turns out to be airy, dietary and very tasty!

Omelette recipe for kids

📝 The recipe is so simple that even a child 4-5 years old can handle cooking 👧

To make 1 serving of omelet with milk you will need

✔️ 2 eggs
✔️ 4 half-shells of milk (50ml), but it's more convenient for me to measure with shells
✔️ a pinch of salt
✔️ grated cheese, butter, herbs - to taste

Cooking an omelet with milk for children takes no more than 10 minutes

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a mixer or just a fork.

Omelet for children from 2 years old

For adults and children from 2 years old, we cook an omelet under a lid in a preheated frying pan.

This recipe is great for a one year old child if you steam or steam omelette.

  • Egg beaten with milk is placed in a special container in a double boiler.
  • The egg beaten with milk is poured into a small saucepan, covered with a lid, placed in a larger saucepan filled with water and cooked on the stove over medium heat. The water in a large saucepan is boiling, creating the right temperature in a small saucepan.

Now let's answer a couple of common questions about an omelet for children.

Can omelette for children?

Yes, you can.

At what age can children be given an omelet?

From the moment you completely introduced eggs into the child's diet. Those. An omelet can be prepared for a child from about one year old.

Usually an omelet according to this recipe, we together or my daughter cooks herself on the weekend. What do you have for breakfast on the weekend?

Do you like the recipe? Save yourself soon

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Many children at all not easy to feed... What mothers and grandmothers do not come up with to persuade a picky kid to eat well. After all, it is necessary that the child's nutrition is complete and varied!

But sometimes there is little time and it can be very useful to have a recipe on hand that is easy to prepare, but delicious food... An omelet can be such a dish that will appeal to almost any child. You just need to make sure your little one is not allergic to chicken eggs.

If there are no contraindications, the omelet can be given to the child starting from one year old. After all, this product is not only tasty and looks attractive, but also has a soft, delicate texture. Even very young child it will not be difficult to chew it.

An omelet for a baby is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Eggs.
  • Milk.
  • Salt.
  • Butter.

This article has collected a few easy-to-prepare, but consistently delicious recipes omelet... It should be borne in mind that it is better to give the baby fresh, just cooked food, and not reheated from the refrigerator. Therefore, the number of products in all recipes is indicated per serving. Although at first the child may not overcome her. But this is not scary, because a light tasty omelet will surely please mom too.

Omelet in a frying pan

To prepare such an omelet, you need to take one eggabout and break it into a small but deep bowl. Pierce the yolk with a fork, then add two to three tablespoons of milk. Salt - just a little. Stir the products very thoroughly, or rather whisk them with a special whisk.

Preheat the skillet. A large frying pan is not needed for such a number of products. Take the smallest one. Brush it with butter and pour milk and egg mixture... Cover with a lid.

The omelet is cooked over medium heat for about 7 minutes. It is believed that it is better to spread the omelet on a preheated plate, because it falls off on a cold one. It is unlikely, of course, that the mother of a small child there will be time to such tricks, but knowing such a secret is not bad at all. This can be useful to you in the future when the baby grows up.

Multicooker omelet recipe

It is the easiest to prepare option for children's omelet... All that is required of you is to place a piece of butter in the multicooker pan and turn on the heating mode for a few minutes. After the butter has melted, brush the sides of the pot with it using a special cooking brush. Then pour one chicken egg and a few spoons of milk, pre-beaten together, into a saucepan. Set your multicooker to bake mode for 10 minutes. Lush and delicious the omelet is ready!

Steamed baby omelet

In a double boiler... Whisk the chicken egg, some salt and a few tablespoons of milk. Take a suitable sized glass bowl and brush it with butter. Then pour the milk and egg mixture into it and place in the double boiler for about 15 or 20 minutes.

When will you get steamer omelet, it can rise very strongly and occupy the entire form into which you poured the mixture. Do not be surprised that when it cools down a little, the omelet will fall off. This will not affect its taste in any way.

If you do not have a double boiler, this does not mean at all that this option for making a children's omelet is not available to you. After all, it can be easily prepared by organizing the most ordinary steam bath!

To do this, take a deep saucepan of small diameter and fill one third with water.

When the water boils, insert an enamel or glass bowl into the pan, which must be greased with oil. Then a slightly salted egg, beaten with milk, is poured into this container and cover with a lid... An omelet is cooked in this way for about ten minutes and it turns out to be very light and tender.

Microwaved omelet

An omelet in the microwave is the most time-saving recipe option. All you need is to mix a chicken egg with a small amount of milk, add a little salt and beat the resulting mixture with a whisk or mixer. Or you can just use a fork.

Then pour the mixture into any sufficiently deep container that can be used in the microwave. it is advisable to cover the container with a lid, or with an ordinary tea saucer. Then put the resulting structure in the microwave and turn it on for 2-3 minutes.

Since for this option for preparing a children's omelette, the container in which it is prepared does not need to be oiled, this omelet is obtained even less bold, than previous recipes.

In the event that your baby is prone to food allergies and you are careful not to cook chicken eggs for him, you can replace them with quail eggs.

Children's doctors have long noted that quail eggs are much less likely to cause allergic reactions. When used to make a baby omelet quail eggsc, you need to take them at the rate of 1 to 4, or 3 to 4.

That is, instead of one chicken egg, you need to take 3 or 4 quail eggs, because they are much smaller in size. But chicken eggs also vary in size. Accordingly, 4 quail eggs are approximately equal to one large chicken egg, and 3 - a medium chicken egg.

The rest of the preparation of an omelet for children from quail eggs there are no differences from a chicken omelet.

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