The model looks like a man. Are androgyny signs of the third sex? Who are androgynes and what makes them different from the rest? What is androgyny

Male femininity - this concept has arisen quite recently, and in essence is a youth subculture.

The so-called masculine femininity belongs to the category of androgyny.

In mythology, androgynes are mythical ancestor creatures, first people, combining male and female sexual characteristics, less often - asexual. For the fact that the androgynes tried to attack the gods (took pride in their strength and beauty), the gods divided them in two and scattered them around the world. And since then, people have been doomed to find their half.

In the religious mythology of many peoples, it is mentioned that the first man was created androgynous, and only then was he divided into man and woman. This is the Kabbalistic interpretation of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis: first, God created man “male and female,” that is, androgynous (1.27), and then divided him into two opposite-sex beings, separating the woman from the side of the man (2.22): “Man deserves this name is only insofar as it unites in itself a man and a woman. Adam, who faithfully reflects the higher or primary Adam, had, in accordance with this model, to combine masculine and feminine principles. And it was originally created by an androgyne. "

So who is an androgyne? This is a person who does not fit the definition of either a masculine (male) or a feminonic (female) gender role in our society. More simple language, then androgynes are people who are in an intermediate state between a man and a woman. Most often these are men in the physiological sense and women in appearance, or women whose appearance has intermediate features. But in this case, I want to consider all the same men of the androgynous type.

Men androgynous call in modern society mostly negative and judgmental, because women and men have roles defined only by them. On the one hand, we, who are accustomed to seeing men as yet masculine, brutal, and not feminine in tight jeans and T-shirts, with perfect makeup and hairstyle, find it hard to get used to the new image of a man. On the other hand, most of the society is used to rejecting those who do not resemble the general mass. There are many such examples, dudes are a subculture of the Soviet era, goths, metalheads, punks, skinheads and many others. The dissimilarity is unacceptable to the majority. We are used to seeing a threat in everything that does not fit into our understanding of the rules and norms of a person. Not understanding leads to rejection and rejection of absolutely everything that, to a greater or lesser extent, does not fit into the moral norms of our consciousness.

Androgynes, whose appearance causes so much controversy, do not have aggressive behavior in their subculture, behavior that poses a threat to human life. It should also be noted that male androgynes, as a rule, do not have abnormalities in sexual development, their feminine appearance does not prevent them from loving women and creating families. If we talk about the psychology of androgynes in general, androgyny is a deep feature of the psyche. The human psyche is androgynous in nature, initially both forms of masculinity and femininity are present in us. But under the influence of society and situations, one part of the essence is blocked and the initial androgyne becomes "only a man" or "only a woman". Feminine men, as a rule, are not aggressive, are more caring, take on women's responsibilities. Therefore, they can easily please you with a culinary masterpiece, perfect cleanliness in the house and well-groomed flowers on the windowsill. Sociological research proved that feminine men are happier in marriage and treat women's responsibilities as an art, cope better with difficult situations, and are more flexible in life situations.

So the question arises, is it worth it to be so prejudiced against those people whom we mean? public opinion do not accept and do not understand? After all, this subgroup does not pose a danger to society as a whole. Of course, every mother would like to see her son strong and courageous, caring and balanced - a real man. But after all, having purely masculine features does not mean being a real man. If a man does not respect his loved ones, allows himself to raise his hand against his wife, treats his children as something self-evident, without proper parental love and care, how can he be called real ...

A real man is characterized by actions

    Tilda Swinton

    Orlando forever

    A film star and contemporary artist, belonging to an ancient Scottish family, she has a fragile and morbid beauty, behind which lies an almost genderless power. Tilda, with her height of 180 centimeters, transparent pale skin, angular android figure, universally emphasized by the similarity to David Bowie and paradoxical androgynous grace, is a favorite model of advanced designers like Zarathustra of world fashion Hussein Chalayan, as well as subtle directors, for example, Sally Porter long ago she used the gender ambiguity of the star, filming her in the film "Orlando", where she plays a man who has managed to visit both male and female bodies during her life.

    Stas Fedyanin

    Folk hero

    Stas Fedyanin is an androgynous fashion model and one of the most famous "victims of Vkontakte", like all people with a non-standard appearance, at first he endured the bullying of his peers and teachers. Parents also took several years to accept their son as he is. The skinny teenager weighs only 45 kilograms and is 180 centimeters tall. Having become interested in the modeling business, Stas took a not very successful start in Russia and moved to Germany, where people of broader views gladly accepted him. Fedyanin participated in the shows of the Berlin Fashion Week, immediately received a number of photo shoots, interviews and offers to appear for the covers of foreign magazines. With an obvious homosexual appearance, Stas claims that he prefers girls as sexual partners.

    Brian Molko

    Reluctant warrior

    Brian Molko, frontman of the late 90s alternative group Placebo, which was once discovered by David Bowie himself, began to look effeminate from an early age. His image was developed as a protest against his parents suppressing his desire to become an artist. He wore makeup, dresses and long hair. Brian's feminine appearance, aristocracy, intellectuality and contempt for the opinion of society have always been a challenge for his narrow-minded classmates. And now a bisexual daffodil with painted lips, lined eyes and silver nail polish manages to seduce even straight people at his concerts. The extravagant English rock star has repeatedly admitted in interviews that he feels like a "lesbian in pants."

    Genesis P-Orridge

    Victim of art

    The 64-year-old founder of the first ever industrial band Throbbing Gristle and the longtime permanent leader of another collective, Psychic TV, Genesis Breuer P-Orridge demonstrates the experience of the transcendent, mixing art and his own life in one radical gesture that has been going on for four decades. He also took a tough approach to the issue of gender: in the early 2000s, P-Orridge and his wife, the artist Lady Jay, underwent a number of plastic surgeries and had breast implants. The goal was to transform into a single bisexual being, "pandrogyne". After the death of Lady Jay from cancer in 2007, Genesis says "we" to himself, considering himself one with the deceased lover.

    Edward John "Eddie" Izzard

    Shameless showman

    The English stand-up comedian and dramatic actor calls himself a straight transvestite and does not hide his sexual predilections. At the beginning of his career, he appeared on stage exclusively in women's clothing - in dresses, makeup and stilettos. Izzard presented himself as a "professional transvestite" and devoted most of his time to this topic in his speeches. The show Dress To Kill, created by the comedian in 1998, brought the actor two Emmy awards. But, many years later, Eddie switched heels for sneakers and took up charity work, running 43 marathons. Changing the image of an extravagant lady to a business suit, the comedian announced that he was going to run for mayor of London from the Labor Party by 2019, but if he still does not collect enough votes, he plans to apply for a seat in parliament.

    David Bowie

    Depraved genius

    The British musician, composer and singer from the very beginning of his career, and in the future, stood out sharply in his image, differing from asexual hippies, teenage angular punks and brutal hard rockers. In the summer of 1969, Bowie wrote Space Oddity, which made him famous. While touring America, he began experimenting with an androgynous alien image, walking the streets in dresses and other feminine outfits, and dyeing his hair unthinkable aniline colors. Silk, avant-garde jumpsuits, non-standard make-up, elien's grace, diligently cultivated rumors of bisexuality: until the late 70s, David embodied not even an androgyne, but a beautiful alien.

    Danila Polyakov


    Before working as a model, young Danila Polyakov performed with the Demo group and Valeria as a dancer. The beginning of her fashion career began with meeting David Bradshaw, director of British GQ and stylist for Prada. Bradshaw invited a Moscow model to shoot, consisting of female images. And everything spun: a page on FashionSpot, shows by Yohji Yamomoto, Junya Watanabe, Antonio Marras, Vivienne Westwood, Jean Paul Gaultier, Steven Meisel's photo story in Italian Vogue and, of course, inexhaustible fame at home: Polyakov judges in “Top Models in Russian ”And teaches men to walk in heels. In addition to modeling, 31-year-old Danila perfectly stylizes fashion photography: you are looking for confirmation in.

    Prince Rogers Nelson

    Prince in heels

    One of the founders of modern rhythm and blues, better known as Prince, from the very beginning of his career, began to shock the audience with a non-standard look and provocative lyrics of his compositions. Because of his miniature height, which was only 157 cm, the artist was nicknamed the purple dwarf and tried to perform exclusively in heels. After he appeared as an opening act for the Rolling Stones in high boots, knitted leggings, bikinis and military-cut mid-lengths, he was thrown with rubbish by the rock band fans, which only spurred the blues king to further shock the audience. But, despite all the media suspicions about the non-standard sexual orientation, the singer has acquired a reputation as a real seducer, beautiful women the world. In addition to several marriages, the singer was seen in relationships with many stars, including actresses Kim Basinger and Sherilyn Fenn, singers Madonna and Carmen Electra.

    Bill Kaulitz

    Cheerleader emo kid

    When the group "Tokio Hotel" only began to gain momentum and become more and more popular, the media continually flared up heated debates about the gender of its vocalist Bill Kaulitz. The incredibly popular pop-rocker from Leipzig in the late 2000s - a hybrid of Boy George of 1982 and the dragon-boy Haku from the cartoon "Spirited Away" would hardly have been affectionately received in any of the sleeping areas of the metropolis, but for some reason won universal popularity among teenage girls. Despite having some semblance of a beard that Bill began to grow, the anorexic lead singer of the German group still looks like an anime hero. Young schoolgirls can at least take a master class from him on perfectly painted eyes in the style of smoky eyes.

    Lana Wachowski (Laurence Wachowski)

    Was there a boy

    Until 2002, Lana Wachowski was a successful director Laurence Wachowski, who, together with his brother Andy, directed the cult trilogy The Matrix and The Connection. Then Larry disappeared and Lana appeared. Wachowski admits that all her life she hated her own body and thought about suicide every day. After 47 years of silence, Larry finally confessed his addictions to his loved ones and changed his gender. The newly minted lady was even awarded a Visibility Award for her decision to end her reclusive lifestyle and openly declare her transition to female status. Now Lana claims that she lives in harmony with herself and is again married to a woman.

Either it almost disappears from the runway collections, then the original non-fading trend - androgynous style - again intensely excites the imagination of fashionistas. From time to time, he is elevated to the rank of the brightest and most spectacular directions, and sometimes we do not hear about him for whole seasons. But at the same time, it still exists and is an advanced fashion trend. This season, too, has pleased me with a variety of non-trivial solutions and a sharply expressed tendency towards male cut in women's outfits. Tuxedos, coats, shirts, suits, shoes - nothing was missed by the designers when shaping the androgynous fashion 2015.

What is androgynous style?

If you go into the terminology and delve into the semantic content of the names, you can find out that "androgyne" is neither a woman nor a man. And we are not talking about sexual characteristics at all, but about the psychological and fashionable component of the personality. The androgynous type is the tendency of women to a masculine lifestyle, brutal behavior, a gentleman's wardrobe, and, conversely, androgyny are women's preferences for a strong half of humanity. Although no - just a weak one, because men of the androgynous type have sophisticated facial features, a fragile physique and the habits of real ladies.

The androgynous image - a clear unisex and complete mixing of roles - became a real sensation in fashion in 2011/12. Then the names of Andrei Pezhich and Freya - prominent representatives of the fashion trend - sounded all over the world, and all Fashion Houses focused on the masculine principle in the women's wardrobe.

Then the passions subsided a little: androgynous appearance was no longer considered something enchanting, but the trend in fashion remained. Today, it is still a fashion trend that designers are guided by when planning collections and which business ladies have willingly adopted.

Androgynous style: basic images

Almost all style directions have a number of mandatory recommendations for drawing up a wardrobe. There are such "chips" for androgynous style capsules. After all, it's not enough just to choose trousers, suspenders and a coat of a man's cut - you need to effectively beat this, bringing your own image as close as possible to androgynous.

  1. Classic. To implement the classic look, you will need a strict three-piece suit - gray or pinstriped. A strict shirt and accessories corresponding to the image are selected for him - braces, a small brutal bag, formal shoes. Ideas can be gleaned from bows, where androgynous models demonstrate classic men's wardrobe solutions in all the variety of variations.
  2. Kaleidoscope. Do not think that this is the obligatory gloom and severity of color schemes. You can be creative in creating an image and collect several capsules rich in shades.

Combinations of dark trousers - gray, dark blue, anthracite - with orange, yellow jumpers will look good; burgundy coat; green jackets. The boldness of the decisions will dilute the minimalism of the androgynous image and allow you to enjoy the fashion trend in full.

  1. Tuxedos. This element of men's wardrobe is so good that not only androgynous women love it, but the whole better half of humanity. They adore "tuxedo" experiments and designers. They willingly transform the classic model and offer vests, tunics, dresses, coats based on it. As for color, moderation is a priority here, which, however, simply evaporates when it comes to finishes and decors.

Trying on the specifics of the androgynous style, you can try on other looks:

  • printed variations of classic men's outfits;
  • mixing styles based on androgynous specifics;
  • "Preppy" - vests, ties, suspenders in the most original versions.

Important little things in androgynous style

You have to understand that androgyny is always complexity. Therefore, the creation of the image should be carried out taking into account all the significant and insignificant details and understanding the subtleties of the formation of capsules.

Real androgynous girls remember everything:

  • accessories;
  • makeup;
  • manicure;
  • hairstyle.

Ladies who choose the image as a priority often look closely at piercings and tattoos, which are also considered desirable elements of the image.

All androgynous can be roughly divided into:

  • strictly male;
  • women with elements of brutality.

And if the former always promote a very short length, then the latter can be created on almost any hair. Their characteristic features will be:

  • severity - no curls, weak waves are rarely possible;
  • combed strands - bangs or just an artificially created parting;
  • minimalism in performance - the absence of bright coloring and decorative elements.

Such hairstyles - in an androgynous style - can be seen in Mila Jovovich, Anne Hathaway, Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson.

Androgynous fashion is impossible without appropriate makeup, and this is not at all a "nude" style, as many think. An androgynous image is created by emphasizing the eyes with other facelessness of the image. But there are three "whales" that must be remembered by all means:

  1. Mandatory tone - the face must be flawless
  2. Sculptural - it is worth highlighting the cheekbones, bridge of the nose and lips with a highlighter
  3. The eyebrows are wide and thick - close to the male prototype.

The eyes themselves stand out with the help of eyeliner pencil and black mascara. Shadows are practically not used.

As for manicure, it is already clear that:

  • nails are short and neat;
  • varnish - neutral;
  • decor - absent.

Androgynous image excludes build-up, rhinestones, drawings and other purely feminine "chips" in manicure.

Modern people try to get away from dullness in search, trying to express their Self.

Each time is endowed with its own idols and beauty standards. The present time is interesting because it was occupied by people of non-standard beauty. Such people have always caused and continue to cause delight, denial, bewilderment, but in any case, such people always attract attention.

Girls and boys with an obscure-pretty appearance have become fashionable today, declaring their uniqueness. This style in the fashion world was called "Unisex" (unisex), and people who harmoniously combine masculine and feminine traits began to be called - androgynous.

This style is very popular among young people today.

Meanwhile, the phenomenon of androgyny is many thousands of years old.

Androgyny and history

Scientists in many parts of the world have found ancient drawings of deities of one sex with some features inherent in the other sex. In addition, in the religious mythology of ancient peoples, there were references to creatures that originally had two beginnings: female and male. Then, supposedly, God saw in this phenomenon a threat to his greatness, frightened of their special power and decided to protect himself by dividing such people (androgynes) in half: into men and women.

Since then, people have been forced to walk the Earth in search of their soul mate ...

Why are androgynes so popular today?

Today androgyny is a non-standard style of the so-called "middle sex", which does not impose any restrictions associated with the image of traditional models. It was created by itself, for people of a new formation who think outside the box and are not afraid to change their appearance. Androgynes have more opportunities in advertising and fashion, because they can easily advertise both women's and men's collections, their gender cannot be determined at first glance. They are ready for an almost instant transformation.

Psychology and androgynes

For all the seeming madness, androgyny is a rapidly developing socio-cultural phenomenon.

Modern psychologists interpret the concept of androgyny in terms of gender roles - social roles corresponding to a particular gender.

K.G. Jung mentioned in analytical psychology the principle of an androgenic phenomenon manifested in a special property of a person's personality, which has reached a fairly high degree of personal inner harmony. The psychologist expressed the opinion that a woman or a man does a man social processesoccurring around him throughout his life. But while remaining in one role or another, a person unconsciously feels his mental inferiority, and only the restoration of his initial androgynous integrity can help him.

Today the term androgyne tends to describe general human psychosocial characteristics. People have always admired and gravitated towards beauty, and modern androgynes, both men and women, are impeccably pretty. It's hard to look away from them. Such people have a kind of bewitching effect.

That is, it turns out that the property of androgyny is a special state of the human personality, in which a person reaches a sufficiently high degree of individual inner harmony.

Androgynous type of appearance is a sexless image dressed in the same sexless clothes.

The concepts of transvestism and androgyny should not be confused. These are completely different psychological messages.

K.G. Jung was supported by the psychologist Sandra Boehm, who studied the problems of emancipation and, based on the study of the phenomenon of androgyny, created a theory of sex. She argued that the direct formation of gender in children is formed on the basis of social stereotypes existing in the culture and the world. This means that the development of the existing human culture as one of the most important categories of social life puts forward gender.

According to Sandra Bam, androgynous people are more mentally healthy than people with a typically male or typically female sex role.

Androgyny and sexual orientation

As you know, demand creates supply. Androgynous people like and that's why they are so popular. Mostly androgynous looks like women. The principle when like attracts like (feminine men seem to women more understandable and gentle). Although women love brutal men. In addition, an androgynous appearance gives rise to the effect of tradition for people with a non-traditional orientation (if a man likes a feminine man, this subconsciously softens the nature of his craving for the male sex).

Androgynes know how to use the gift that nature has given them.

Anime and androgynous

Modern androgynes can be conditionally attributed to the informal subculture. This subculture is currently actively developing. Its representatives have an age range mainly from 16 to 30 years old. Often in such a subculture there are ordinary people of a certain gender who like to disguise themselves and in a natural way, to take advantage of the masculine and feminine principles. Therefore, such people want to be sexless. Androgynous people often prefer the fantasy style of anime. After all, the anime style is very bold and unusual. Also, the anime style is very similar to the androgynous style. Anime boys and girls resemble androgynous in appearance. Flawless face shapes, harmonious soft lines of the body and clothes.

In ordinary life, ordinary people run the risk of being misunderstood, but androgynes love interesting images and experiments. In addition, anime characters often have long hair and an androgynous appearance. They reflect the androgynous essence very well.

Since the advent of modern anime cartoons, androgynous models have literally captured the minds of teenagers and have become widely used in the fashion industry.

Androgynous makeup and wardrobe

The era of fashion-androgyny is gaining momentum. But, makeup and wardrobe of the opposite sex will not make an ordinary person androgynous, they can only be born. In the concept of androgyny, it is very important to be natural, combining the characteristics of both sexes.

Nevertheless, androgynes often use extravagant outfits in their clothes, which are a mix of world fashion and cult Japanese animation.

Androgynous and Gothic

Very often androgynes present an extravagant Gothic image on the catwalk. As a style, the Gothic image appeared in the mystical medieval era. Today the gothic style is a very fashionable trend of the present time. Such famous design houses and designers as Gucci, Alexander McQueen and John Galliano became his fans. And, of course, androgynes are happy to take the opportunity to present it at international design shows. Gothic and androgynous, as if complementing each other, declare their intriguing rebelliousness in relation to the artificially created matrix world.

Medieval outfits of restrained colors, vamp style, fashionable ultra-modern latex costumes, all this gothic splendor is complemented by extravagant accessories and unusual mystical makeup.

Gothic is an art that includes many mystical images for individual self-expression.

Shocking is one of the main "engines" of the modern fashion industry. And the coming to the forefront of fashion for androgynous models seems quite logical in this context. So the legendary characters, in which the masculine and feminine principles are combined, today seem to have "materialized" from the myth of Plato ... and took to the podium. More precisely, they "materialized", of course, much earlier.

It all started in the 70s, during the singer's creative heyday David Bowie, who was a man "without sex", or the third sex - a chameleon who easily changed shocking androgynous images. But if in the XX century androgynous shocked on the stage, in the cinema or on the theater stage, now the era of fashion-androgyny has come.

In the field of haute couture, androgynes have practically no equal, since only they can equally successfully and talentedly embody both male and female images.

On the catwalk, the hypertrophied femininity and unusual plasticity of these "men" is multiplied by a texture much more expressive than that of girls.

Designer clothes sit much more advantageously on tall, long-legged and flat androgynous women than on girls, no matter what ideal model parameters they have.

So let's get to know them - those who go beyond, break stereotypes and never cease to amaze!

1.Andrew (Andria) Pezhich

22-year-old Andrey is the most androgynous star, the most famous of the models in this special "category". This Serb living in Australia since childhood distinguished himself not only by his dizzying modeling career, but also by the fact that got into two ratings at once - both the sexiest men in the world and women.

His talents are not limited to this. He is an actor, designer of his own jewelry brand, a favorite of Marc Jacobs and Jean Paul Gaultier, as well as the face of advertising campaigns for Chanel and Prada. He has conquered world catwalks more than once and decorated the covers of the best publications in the world. And this summer has attracted even more attention than usual. Because Andrei became Andriya - the androgynous model "legally" became a woman, having undergone a sex change operation.

2. Roger Garth

This androgynous with an angelic face and golden curls hides his age. According to some sources, he is a little over 30, according to others, about 25. As befits any girl or the one who plays her role, Garth is a complete mystery. It is known that he was born in Rome, but not Italian, but half French and German. He worked as a TV presenter and actor, but became famous thanks to the scandalous advertising of Calvin Klein. He also worked (and continues to collaborate) with Prada, Versace, Dior, Masatomo.

3. Christian Brill

The 29-year-old Dane began his ascent to the modeling Olympus in 2006 when he was spotted by famed British photographer Mario Testino. After this happy acquaintance, a photograph of an androgyne graced the cover of British Vogue and began a long-term collaboration with Gucci and Hugo Boss.

4. Danila Polyakov

Danila is the world's most famous androgyne from Russia, a red-haired beast with a height of 195 cm. Is there really a model-girl in the world who can compete with him in this?

Polyakov is an outrageous fashion model, a scandalous fashion model and an actor with absolutely no complexes, a stylist, a designer of crazy costumes and an expert of the show "top model in Russian". He participates in the shows of Gianfranco Ferre, Gaultier Homme, Gilles Rosier, John Galliano and other famous fashion designers. At the age of 31, he has reached such heights in the modeling career of a man, which no one else in our country can even dream of!

5. Stas Fedyanin

This beautiful "girl" is a little over 20, her height is 180 cm and weight is 45 kg. Excellent parameters for the anarexic world of high fashion! Only this, as you understand, is not a girl, but a guy, and our compatriot. Stas Fedyanin has been working as an androgynous model in Europe for a couple of years now.

Dear women of fashion, do you like the demand for androgynes in the fashion world?


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