Who, according to the horoscope, was born on April 27.

Born 27 april zodiac sign and horoscope

Zodiac sign born on April 27 is Taurus. They are active, successful and strong-willed individuals. They have a solid character. Endowed with stamina and endurance, thanks to which they overcome life difficulties and obstacles without hesitation.

Such people have high intellectual potential, which helps them achieve their goals and wisely plan their lives.

They do not seek to win fame and power, but they are not indifferent to material well-being. Stubbornness and assertiveness help them achieve success in business.

The people around them write off their work for good luck, therefore there are many envious and ill-wishers among their acquaintances.

A sense of justice is embedded in the birthday people of this day. They fight for the rights of others, stand up for the weak.

Such women and men are devoted and loyal companions. In their social circle there are friends whom they know from childhood or adolescence. They don't like noisy and crowded events. When they are alone, they do not feel lonely and deprived of attention. In communication, they are restrained and laconic, they do not reveal their true feelings and emotions even to relatives and friends.

Characteristics of women born on April 27

They are dynamic, active, soft and emotional personalities. They love to help people, are sensitive to other people's needs and emotions. Unselfishness is characteristic of them, therefore they feel satisfaction for the good deeds done and do not expect a return in return.

Such women maintain youthful soul and optimism throughout their lives. They are full of exciting and original ideas, have an individual view of the events taking place. It inspires and inspires those around you.

Characteristics of men born on April 27

Such men are endowed with vitality, perseverance, stubbornness and independence. They always bring the work started to the end. They appreciate the beauty of the world around them and try to enjoy every day they live.

These men strive to identify and develop inner potential. They clearly define goals in life, which they can achieve with enterprise and discernment. They are able to grasp and take advantage of the opportunity for self-realization.

Love horoscope

In a loving relationship, those born on this day are idealists. They carefully choose a soul mate. Their personal life is not full of romance and intrigue. They are not exchanged for casual contacts.

Such women and men marry early, create and maintain a strong and friendly family. They protect privacy from strangers. They protect their feelings, respect the interests of family members, value life partner and children.

Free time and holidays are spent with the family, avoiding noisy and crowded events. They love children and take a responsible approach to education.

Family members are required to respect their personal space and not interfere with the work schedule.


Born 27 april Taurus are well compatible with representatives of such zodiac signs: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn. With Sagittarius and Leo, they have low chances of a prosperous relationship.

The most suitable partner for those born on April 27

People born on these days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 3, 9, 19, 26, 27
February: 1, 7, 26, 28
March: 4, 9, 10, 13, 19, 31
April: 8, 13, 16, 17, 22
May: 7, 15, 26
June: 4, 6, 9, 12
July: 3, 7, 17, 20, 29
August: 2, 13, 16, 29
September: 15, 21, 24
October: 6, 10, 19, 31
November: 9, 20, 25
December: 1, 8, 11, 17, 20, 31

Business horoscope

The birthday people of this day correctly assess their capabilities. They do not undertake to perform duties that are beyond their power. They are able to see the perspective in the future. Knowingly calculate mistakes and try to avoid them. They are more comfortable working alone than under someone's leadership or in a team.

In relations with business partners, such people are sociable and diplomatic. They have the gift of persuasion, and wisely present thoughts and ideas. They know how to make profitable acquaintances that contribute to career advancement.

Thanks to their penchant for the exact sciences, such women and men successfully develop in the field of computer technology or engineering. Selflessness and concern for others push them into psychology, medicine and pedagogy.

Health horoscope

Taurus born on this day are endowed with good health. They are not prone to injury or chronic illness. The horoscope advises them not to miss preventive visits to dentists - they will warn dental pathologies. Women should plan their pregnancy responsibly and follow the advice of specialists.

The tendency to anxiety and excitement causes psycho-emotional stress and depression in these people. Rest with the family, walks in the fresh air, and creativity will help get rid of such conditions.

Avoid prolonged seclusion

You are prone to solitude, which is why you spend a lot of time alone. Be more open and sociable, find common interests with others. This will help broaden your horizons and inspire self-development.

Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings.

You are secretive and withdrawn, which is why you are afraid to talk about your feelings and emotions. Share your joys and experiences with your loved ones. This will help you find peace of mind and relieve stress.

Remain optimistic and cheerful

In life's difficulties, remain optimistic and cheerful. Know how to treat problems with irony, make fun of your shortcomings and mistakes.

April 27 - Zodiac Sign

Taurus born on April 27 is a compassionate humanist who is incredibly sensitive to the needs of others.

People trust you and seek help because they know you empathize with their pain and can help solve problems.

Your nature is characterized by the passionate dedication and propensity to act without delay, so common among Taurus. You want to change the world, but if your attempts are not accepted, you can become despondent for a while.

Born on April 27 should be wary of a gloomy disposition (a predisposition to this is dictated by the ninth tarot card), accompanied by depression, and problems associated with teeth and bones. The latter can threaten women during periods of pregnancy or menopause, and depression is possible in men due to failures at work.

At a later age, hearing disorders, vestibular apparatus are possible. As the best means of prevention and therapy for those born on April 27, we can recommend a cheerful laugh. They are able to experience special joy at home, especially in the kitchen. Although not prone to overeating, they love to cook, and they make great cooks from both women and men.

They also take diet seriously, making up a well-thought-out menu.

Those born on April 27 tend to act behind the scenes. They rarely become leaders, unless circumstances force them to do so. They find their greatest satisfaction in the opportunity to retire and act in an atmosphere of complete tranquility. They are not characterized by increased social activity.

Born 27 april can exercise their influence on the course of events without being physically present. They have a powerful intellectual charge, their thoughts, undertakings and even their image can set any processes in motion. And in solitude, they never feel alone.

In addition, they never suffer from jealousy towards those who find themselves in the center of public attention. They are always looking for benefits from their actions, making sure that the work is completed on time, so they simply do not have time to receive criticism or praise.

They themselves know their pros and cons, are aware of the mistakes and mistakes they have made, so they do not need external evaluation.

Zodiac sign April 27 - Taurus

Sign Release: Earth. Your zodiac sign refers to earth signs that are strong in confidence, gentleness, emotionality, realism.

Planet Ruler: Venus. Her "gifts" to Taurus are the ability to handle money, as well as comfort. The planet is favorable for people of art, painters and people working with cash. Planet in exile - Pluto. Is responsible for the inability to use other people's resources and labor and play against the rules.

On April 27, very sensitive and subtle Taurus are born, who absolutely cannot stand the pain and suffering of other people. These are real humanists who will always come to the aid of all those in need and justly enjoy the trust of people in trouble.

These people never hesitate in making decisions, which is often found behind Taurus, they immediately rush to help without hesitation.

These people are completely devoted to helping the weak and the unfortunate, they are eager to change the whole world, to rid it of injustice and, seeing the futility of their attempts, they can fall into depression.

Born 27 april have the rare ability to endure failures and, using their own experience, move forward to the next project.

In personal relationships - in particular, in family life and raising children - those born on April 27 behave exceptionally dignified, but only if loved ones understand their need for privacy and do not violate the established work schedule. After a hard day, they may well enjoy a quiet evening with family and friends.

If such people truly value home comfort, then the house really becomes their fortress, and they fully realize all their desires and needs in this area. However, in this case, they have the right to demand from the household the same devotion to the family hearth.

Not too enlightened people born on April 27 are often gloomy, uncommunicative and even aggressive towards others. They often descend to elementary rudeness.

In this sense, it is useful for them to find a sphere of social activity in which they could fully realize their capabilities and needs, smoothing out the sharp corners of their character.

Otherwise, they will face hopeless loneliness and a bleak existence.

Often those born on April 27 turn out to be very competent specialists. Moreover, they are well aware of their own capabilities and rarely overestimate themselves.

However, sometimes they are overly assertive and, due to their emotional immaturity, do not control outbursts of aggressiveness or anger, ultimately pushing others away from themselves.

Indeed, it is better not to irritate these outwardly imperturbable people! Those born on the Day of Self-Sufficiency should look for friends who could ignite them with optimism and fun. Laughter and carelessness are essential for them. In this sense, the company of loyal and sparkling friends has a beneficial effect on their lives.

Taurus male - born on April 27

Men born on April 27 possess the following distinctive features: prudence, passion, devotion. The Taurus man does not have powerful energy, he does not gush with ideas, is somewhat lazy and passive, but he is able to provide material comfort, take on all the worries about the family and his beloved woman, and become a reliable rear and partner.

Taurus woman - born on April 27

Women born on April 27 are not like others in such traits: naturalness, reliability, and also decisiveness. Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiac constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.

Birthday April 27

Taurus, who were born on April 27th, are strong personalities who defy the influence of others. Taurus of this day do not lose heart in front of obstacles. On this day, people are born who, by all means, will fight for their place under the sun. Truly, such people can be called the masters of their lives and destinies.

People born on April 27 zodiac sign Taurus, it is simply impossible to indicate, they will never follow someone's lead and do what the other person says.

These are strong people who themselves know how to act in a given situation, so other people's instructions and advice are simply meaningless. Sometimes in Taurus temperament is manifested in the character.

They really love it when everything goes as planned. Therefore, if something goes beyond the intended plan, it causes rage.

In the event of a departure from the plan, the rage is almost imperceptible and disappears literally in a minute. People born on april 27 zodiac sign Taurus know how to learn from their mistakes and calmly experience defeat.

At the same time, they are never upset and understand perfectly well that if it did not work out once, then you should not give up and you should go towards your goal. What is most remarkable is that they never overestimate their importance, they have practically no vanity.

On top of that, they in no way underestimate their importance. People born on april 27 zodiac sign Taurus know exactly who they are and what they are capable of.

Despite the fact that people born on April 27 zodiac sign Taurus have incredible power, they still prefer to stay behind the scenes. These are people who are not used to being satisfied with what has already been achieved, they strive for more and achieve high results.

In their hands there may be incredible wealth, but they, in no case, boast of it and do not put it on public display.

Men and women born on April 27 zodiac sign Taurus never occupy a leadership position, because they have absolutely no desire to push around and lead someone around. They do not feel responsible for someone not from their family.

That is why Taurus are never in the center of events and prefer to remain in the shadows. These people are completely devoid of desire to be famous and recognized by anyone.

Luck follows the bulls, they do not know the word vanity. It is very difficult to piss off those born under this zodiac sign. It may seem to others that calves born in a golden shirt attract various benefits.

The fact that Taurus was born on April 27 speaks of the commitment and hard work of a person. Such people are accustomed to doing everything only in the best way; it is alien to them to do something carelessly.

In turn, most of all they do not like negligence and laziness in people.

Taurus are in great demand today due to their skills and experience. And while occupying any position, they will be the best professionals in the chosen field, and the management will show their gratitude to such an employee. In any case, a Taurus born on April 27 will never be left without means of livelihood and a permanent place of earnings.

Love and Compatibility

In personal relationships, you are a true idealist. Try not to put your lover on a pedestal, as your illusions will crumble to dust if this person cannot meet your high requirements.

The best alliances for Taurus are formed with other representatives of the Earth element - Virgo and Capricorn. All three are stable, serious, not looking for casual relationships, loving sensual pleasures and comfort.

At the same time, relations with the fourth representative of the Earth sign - Libra - do not add up - the more brutal and strong Taurus is irritated by the superficiality and refinement of the partner.

A controversial but passionate union is possible with Scorpio.

After 30 Taurus change their priorities and philosophical views, and therefore options for their rapprochement with the fire signs - Gemini and Aries are possible.

Gemini bring intelligence into the life of a practical Taurus, however, the frivolity and inconstancy of Gemini can destroy harmony.

An alliance with Aries can add powerful vitality to Taurus, but it is mostly based on sex, and not on common interests. An irreconcilable and selfish union awaits Taurus and Leo, but the rarest option is a relationship with Sagittarius.

Work and Career

Those born on April 27 prefer to work alone and are not inclined to a leadership position. They value work in peace and quiet, and they do not care about external evaluation: they are smart enough and they themselves give an account of the pros and cons of their work.

In addition, they are usually too busy with the work itself to shine in front of subordinates, hold meetings, or take a prominent public position. They do not envy other people's popularity at all, leaving this niche to those who are interested in it.

It is enough for them to realize that they latently greatly influence the work process thanks to their intelligence. These people do not like openness and communication, reducing it to the necessary minimum. Working alone, these people never suffer from loneliness itself.

Failures and failures do not scare these people either. As a last resort, they will take into account the negative experience and calmly take on another matter.

These workhorses are real introverts, they are generous towards their loved ones, but only if they do not interfere with their work in a rhythm that suits them and leave them time for complete solitude with their thoughts. Evenings they usually spend at home with family and closest friends.

Almost always, they value the comfort and tranquility of the house, for those born on April 27, the saying "My home is my fortress" is more true than ever. From their family members, they demand the same respect for home, family values, family life and home.

It is unlikely that these people will allow their children to throw noisy parties at home, which is why some conflicts with the younger generation are possible.

Health and Disease

The vulnerable place of the body of Taurus born on April 27 is teeth, bones and psyche. They should not skip visits to the dentist and therapist or psychologist. Depression and a nervous breakdown threaten these people all the time.

Any problems at work can already plunge these people into the abyss of despondency and pessimism. As for bone problems, women should pay special attention to them in planning pregnancy.

Hearing problems are possible in old age.

Laughter and joy are the best medicines for nervous tension and despondency that can be advised for these people. Home rest and cooking give them a lot of positive emotions.

By themselves, these people usually do not overeat, but they love to cook, and the cooks from them come out first-class, regardless of gender.

They always make a complex, balanced and varied menu, so one can only envy their homemade ones.

Fate and Luck

On this day, people are born with strong energy, persistent natures, fearless warriors who always have their own opinion and stubbornly defend it in any situations. They have good health, strong and firm character.

They usually have many friends, everything is easy for them, which causes the envy of others and gives rise to an abundance of ill-wishers and enemies. In love, they are lucky, as well as in the material sphere. They attract money.

The main thing that they need to learn is not to lose their heads from success, and everything will be fine in their life.

Born 27 april need to make sure that their love of solitude does not make them rude, uncultured, always gloomy and uncommunicative in public.

Therefore, perhaps they should choose a job in which they will not be completely cut off from the team, so as not to completely lose all communication skills.

So, it is better for them to work not as free artists, but in some kind of common workshop, where everyone has their own office or their own little room, in which clients or colleagues are not constantly scurrying around, but where there are common corridors and some kind of minimal communication on working topics is implied ...

Those born on April 27 are usually very valuable and rare specialists. They also assess their capabilities adequately, but they can be too impetuous or rude, which repels people. Their calmness is usually just a mask.

When choosing friends, these people need to pay attention to people who are ironic, cheerful and optimistic, who would lead them along and help them unwind. They often really lack lightness and good mood.

Source: http://ru.astrologyk.com/horoscope/birthday/april/27

Born 27 april Taurus zodiac sign.

You are gifted with a subtle and discerning mind, full of determination and original ideas, independent and agile in difficult situations. In a strange way, skepticism and naivety are combined in you.

Keeping your soul young until old age, you are able to inspire others with your fascinating designs. Persistent and tenacious, you are able to bring any business to the end.

You were born on April 27th zodiac sign Taurus. You love life with all its joys and innocent pleasures. True, in conflict situations, you become stubborn and headstrong. However, this disadvantage is compensated for by your exceptional love.

Your innate sensibility manifests itself, in particular, in the ability to appreciate beauty, color and shape, which gives you the opportunity for artistic expression. However, the desire to take all the best from life sometimes develops in you into excessive indulgence of weaknesses.

In order to best identify and develop your potential, you must cultivate and overcome the tendency towards nihilism. If you worry and worry all the time, you will eventually become disappointed in life and lose interest in it.

That is why it is so important for you to see the goal clearly and remain optimistic.

In moments of inspiration, you become adventurous and discerning, start acting unexpectedly and take advantage of fleeting chances.

After 24, you have an increased need for communication and exchange of ideas. This is the time to expand your horizons, acquire new skills and knowledge.

At 54, the emotional need for a solid foundation of life comes to the fore. Home and family ties become the main thing for you.

Personal qualities born on April 27

No matter how difficult the situation you find yourself in, deep down in your soul you are confident in your abilities and do not doubt that you will soon win over adversity.

You acknowledge the true value of things and strive for material achievement, which helps you move forward in life.

Women are invaluable in helping you achieve your goals. Your business sense can make you financially successful, but you need to believe that you are doing a worthy job. A college degree will fully unleash all your talents.

Taurus, born on April 27, is stubborn enough, so learn to enjoy arguing without just trying to defend your point of view. You like friendly diving, you like to ask provocative questions.

But despite all your sociability, from time to time you need to be alone, recuperate and reflect. This solitude sharpens your innate intuition and helps you overcome pessimism.

Work and vocation born on April 27

Your inherent liveliness and love of controversy will find application in areas such as higher education, jurisprudence or research work.

You have good technical ability and can work with computers or become an engineer.

If you like to share your knowledge with others, then you may like work related to social reform.

A subtle mind, combined with excellent education and organizational skills, can lead those born on April 27 to a high position in the government. In addition, you may be interested in psychology or some areas of medicine.

Love and partnership born on April 27

Being intuitive and sensitive, but at the same time active and adventurous, you gravitate towards resourceful and resourceful partners.

Independent and discerning, you want to know what drives other people, but only by overcoming your suspicion can you fully open your heart and express your innermost feelings.

Devoted women will help you succeed. Perhaps they will contribute to your promotion or introduce you to the circle of the right people.

Ideal partner for those born on April 27

For love and lasting relationships, you better look for someone who was born on one of the following days.

  • Love and friendship: January 11, 21, 28, 31; February 19, 26, 29; March 17, 24, 27; April 15, 22, 25; May 13, 20, 23; June 11, 18, 21; July 9, 16, 19; August 7, 14, 17, 31; September 5, 12, 15, 29; October 3, 10, 13, 27, 29, 31; November 1, 8, 11, 27, 29; December 6, 9, 23, 25, 27.
  • Favorable contacts: January 9, 12, 18, 24, 29; February 7, 10, 16, 22, 27; March 5, 8, 14, 20, 25; April 3, 6, 12, 18, 23; May 1, 10, 16, 21, 31; June 2, 8, 14, 19, 29; July 6, 12, 17, 27; 4, 10, 15, 25 August; September 2, 8, 13, 23; October 6, 11, 21; November 4, 9, 19; December 2, 7, 17.
  • Soul mate: January 3, 19; February 17; March 15th; April 13; May 11; the 9th of June; July 7; 5th of August; September 3; October 1st.
  • Fatal attraction: January 3; 1st of February; October 30, 31; November 1, 2.
  • Troubled relationships: January 7, 8, 19, 28; February 5, 6, 17, 26; March 3, 4, 15, 24; April 1, 2, 13, 22; May 11, 20; June 9, 18; July 7, 16; August 5, 14; September 3, 12; October 1, 10; November 8; December 6.

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April 27 zodiac sign - man and woman Taurus

At first glance, this person may seem to many to be simple-minded, poorly educated, slow-moving and to some extent naive. But this is an erroneous opinion, one should not be mistaken about it, as well as underestimate the potential and talents, as well as the hidden capabilities of a representative of this zodiacal circle.

He is far from being as simple as it seems from the outside, and the level of his education of this undoubtedly talented person is, as a rule, at a fairly high level, he just does not like to show it, advertise himself and his capabilities. They try to benefit from everything they can.

While others argue and fuss, a man or woman of the zodiac sign of the April 27th birthday will watch them from the sidelines, analyze and make plans, how to act more effectively in this situation, what opportunities he has to derive personal benefits from all this.

The popular proverb fits this personality perfectly - “It takes a long time to harness, but it will go quickly”. Slowness and careful preparation, these are his trump cards, which almost always work and subsequently pay off with interest.

Men and women of the zodiac sign on April 27 can hardly be called workaholics, although they devote enough time to their work and make the necessary efforts, but you will not get initiative and special zeal from them.

If it were not for the need to provide himself with material benefits, this person would never work at all, or he worked to the extent of his minimum needs and demands, and they are usually moderate.

It is a pleasure to live with this person. He leads a measured life, calmly treats everything, caring and attentive towards his marriage partner, generous and not absolutely not demanding in everyday life.

His other half can rely on him and his care, trust him, and also count on comprehensive support. worldluxrealty.com

Representatives of Taurus in the face of women and men of the zodiac sign of the spring birthday on April 27, are prone to intellectual and creative work, requiring them to display ingenuity, patience, perseverance and attentiveness.

The main shortcomings of this person are that he is too stubborn, straightforward in his actions, uncompromising and conservative.

You should change at least a little, make a compromise more often, listen to others, their opinion, take it into account and agree with it if it is of mutual benefit.

These people stand firmly on the ground, and their element endows the representatives of this sign with practicality, conservatism, solidity, and also stability and reliability.

They are hardy, active and efficient, ready to work tirelessly in order to achieve a positive result.

Taurus for the birthday of the spring zodiac sign on April 27 is unhurried in business and decision-making, he is laconic and whether it is a man or a woman, they will listen to the interlocutor better than they will speak.

These people are resistant to shocks and changes, they are solid like a rock in their convictions, and if he does not want to do something, nothing can make him budge or unbalance.

You can persuade him for a long time to change his position, make adjustments to his decision, but all this is practically useless, if this person has decided something for himself, he will not even lead an eyebrow to make concessions or compromise.

With difficulty and reluctance, he makes contact, looks closely at the stranger for a long time and until he recognizes the new person sufficiently, he will resemble a silent and withdrawn person.

He has a calm, clear and firm gaze, as well as manners. His movements are slow and thoughtful, the women of this sign are lazy and graceful, but at the same time they show hidden strength.

Typically, Taurus representatives draw attention to their person, they are slim and well-built, although sometimes they are overweight.

There is little that can disturb the calmness of this extraordinary personality. The final decision he made is almost always invariable and not discussed.

This bright person appreciates home comfort and coziness, does not tolerate disharmony in life, and does not like to argue and sort things out at all, especially when it is not necessary and happens in a raised tone. worldluxrealty.com

She trusts her intuition and inner perception, experience acquired throughout her life, as well as her beliefs based more on feelings and emotions than on facts or inference.

You should not put pressure on a woman born on April 27 in the Taurus zodiac sign, a woman, and even more so a man, otherwise you will definitely not be able to agree with them, they will demonstrate their natural stubbornness to evil, even to the detriment of their interests.

If in your persistence you go too far, this person may become angry, show their anger in full force.

He can "keep himself in control" for a very long time, for weeks or months, show amazing self-control, not paying attention to anything and ignoring everything that can cause a nervous breakdown in many.

But at some point it will break through and quite unexpectedly it explodes with furious anger, which is not recommended to fall under. In this case, the most reasonable thing would be to get out of his way, and as quickly as possible.

But such cases are rare, mainly men and women of the zodiac sign on April 27 keep themselves in control, control themselves well and control their emotions, that such attacks of irritation and anger happen to them quite rarely, only a few times in their life.

The double influence of the celestial planets - Venus and the Moon, make of this personality a sensitive, sensual and sentimental person.

They are always, at any age, attracted by the opposite sex, but it is not the character of Taurus to impose themselves or pursue the person who interested him.

To a greater extent, the representative of this zodiac sign and this birthday is trying to attract attention, to interest in his own person the woman (man) he liked.

He is down to earth, calm and reasonable, pragmatic and practical. But you should not think of him as a person devoid of romanticism and the desire to diversify your life, then this is not at all like that.

It should be understood and remembered that this man is under the rule of the goddess of love Venus, the patroness of art and the world.

Therefore, he can be very gentle, caring and attentive towards his chosen one, especially if she meets his idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal woman.

If this man made his choice, made the final decision that some lady suits him, he begins to actively act to win her favor. worldluxrealty.com

In these efforts, he will surpass anyone and ultimately achieve his goal, prove to the chosen one that he is exactly who she needs.

He knows how to take care of a lady according to all the usual rules, inviting her to the best restaurants, then to the theaters, never forgetting any date, for example, her birthday, in order to present flowers and a gift.

Taurus' passion for a woman is full and sincere, they will go all the way until they win her heart, even if it lasts a long time.

In love, neither criticism, nor life inconvenience, or discomfort can stop him, although in life he is very practical.

Because of their amorousness, and as a result of the “loss of their heads,” they often make mistakes in choosing their chosen one, which later they have to regret and pay.

Therefore, they often live with a second or third marriage. This person is usually blind and deaf to warnings about the incompatibility of characters with his chosen one, and the more they tell him about this, the more likely he will do the opposite.

Woman on April 27 - Taurus Zodiac Sign

In marriage to women of this zodiac sign of the birthday on April 27, it is very important, not so much physical, but spiritual intimacy.

She does not like to change, adjust her views and life principles, therefore stability and tranquility are very important for this lady.

She is very worried about how she looks, whether she dresses in a modern way and whether her haircut is fashionable, and also worries about how others, work colleagues and friends perceive her, whether they respect and appreciate her.

She avoids conflict situations, because they can bare her not entirely pleasant side, namely, what she can be in anger.

The disclosure of some kind of personal secret for a woman of this zodiac sign is unacceptable, one can say death is like.

These nice looking ladies have subtle intuition. They always take care of themselves, try to be in a fashionable trend, and at any age, they are very neat, dress elegantly and appear in public.

Their patroness is the heavenly Venus of love, so they are well aware of exquisite ways to seduce a man.

She is a combination of all the wonderful feminine qualities that almost every man dreams of. She mostly relies on her emotions and trusts her sixth sense.

People who know her are often mistaken in her mental merits, make the mistake of underestimating her intelligence, and all because she does not like to demonstrate her wit and educational level in society.

Having got married and got a reliable spouse who can take care of everything herself, she can relax and quickly turn from a well-groomed, slender and pleasant-looking lady, into a sloppy, lazy and overweight individual.

Zodiac sign april 27 - compatibility

Zodiac sign Taurus has a birthday on April 27, attracted by the external beauty of the partner and sensual pleasures.

These people tie themselves by marriage at a rather late age, looking closely at the future marriage partner for a long time.

They are looking for their soul mate for a long time, carefully choose a potential applicant, and when they find them, they start “processing”, and then courtship.

If this person loves his life partner and trusts him, then throughout his life he will remain sincerely devoted to his chosen one or chosen one.

Harmonious, reliable and stable relationships will develop for this person - with representatives of Gemini, Cancer and Virgo, where mutual understanding will be at the highest level.

Restless with all sorts of contradictions, Taurus will build relationships - with Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Sagittarius, they understand each other, but often do not perceive.

Difficult relationships will develop with Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio, contacts with these signs should be avoided in advance, they react irritably to each other, in a word - we do not advise you not to take risks.

Parents April 27 - mom and dad Taurus

Parents of Taurus, birthday on April 27 - have unlimited patience and almost never raise their voice to their baby, much less punish him.

They are proud of their child and are convinced of his talents and outstanding abilities, they strive to develop those inclinations that are clearly visible in him.

As he grows up, they begin to make increased demands on him, instill a sense of duty and responsibility, and teach him order.

Child on April 27 - children born to Taurus

It's easy to get along with him, it's easy enough to educate him, call him to order and obedience, is not capricious and loves communication.

From an early age he is calm and reasonable, in rare cases he insists on something, is capricious or makes childish tantrums.

This child becomes independent quite early, he tries to take the initiative into his own hands and make decisions on his own. He has a good memory, so he starts reading and counting early.

As a rule, he goes to the 1st grade fully prepared and with a good stock of knowledge, although it cannot be said that he studies with great desire and diligence, usually at an intermediate level.

Those born on April 27 tend to act behind the scenes. They rarely become leaders, unless circumstances force them to do so. They find their greatest satisfaction in being able to retire and act in an atmosphere of complete tranquility. They are not characterized by increased social activity, their relationships with others are limited by the framework of communication within the limits of a particular institution (say, school, work, church).

Born 27 april can exercise their influence on the course of events without a physical presence. They have a powerful intellectual charge, their thoughts, undertakings and even their image can set any processes in motion. And in solitude, they never feel alone. In addition, they never suffer from jealousy towards those who find themselves in the center of public attention. They always look for benefits from their actions, make sure that the work is completed on time, so they simply do not have time to receive criticism or praise. They themselves know their pros and cons, are aware of the mistakes and mistakes they have made, so they do not need external evaluation. Born 27 april have the rare ability to endure failures and, using their own experience, move forward to the next project.

In personal relationships - in particular, in family life and raising children - those born on April 27 behave exceptionally dignified, but only if loved ones understand their need for privacy and do not violate the established work schedule. After a hard day, they may well enjoy a quiet evening with family and friends. If such people truly value home comfort, then the house really becomes their fortress, and they fully realize all their desires and needs in this area. However, in this case, they have the right to demand from the household the same devotion to the family hearth. Not too enlightened people born on April 27 are often gloomy, uncommunicative and even aggressive towards others. They often descend to elementary rudeness.

In this sense, it is useful for them to find a sphere of social activity in which they could fully realize their capabilities and needs, smoothing out the sharp corners of their character. Otherwise, hopeless loneliness and a bleak existence await them. Often those born on April 27 turn out to be very competent specialists. Moreover, they are well aware of their own capabilities and rarely overestimate themselves. However, sometimes they are overly assertive and, due to their emotional immaturity, do not control outbursts of aggression or anger, eventually pushing others away from themselves. Indeed, it is better not to piss off these outwardly imperturbable people!

Those born on Self-Sufficiency Day should look for such friends who could ignite them with optimism and fun. Laughter and carelessness are essential for them. In this sense, the company of loyal and sparkling friends has a beneficial effect on their lives.


Those born on the twenty-seventh are ruled by the number 9 (2 + 7 \u003d 9) and the planet Mars. Nine has a special effect on other numbers (any number added to nine gives a sum, the addition of the digits of which returns us to the original term: 5 + 9 \u003d 14, 1 + 4 \u003d 5), therefore people born on April 27 are able to influence others. The planet Mars carries a strong masculine energy, but on April 27 it crosses with the ruler of Taurus - Venus, endowed with feminine energy. Thus, those born on April 27 have a great opportunity to combine both male and female character traits.


The ninth card of the Major Arcana is the Hermit, who weaves with a lantern and staff and is a lonely, silent traveler immersed in thought. The card symbolizes crystallized wisdom and strict self-discipline. The hermit is at the same time a mentor who appeals to the consciousness of everyone, urging them to follow the outlined path. The positive qualities of the card are purposefulness, integrity of nature, concentration of thought. Negative aspects include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement.


Born 27 April should be wary of a gloomy disposition (a predisposition to this is dictated by the ninth tarot card), accompanied by depression, and problems associated with teeth and bones. The latter can threaten women during periods of pregnancy or menopause, and depression is possible in men due to failures at work. At a later age, hearing disorders, vestibular apparatus are possible. As the best means of prevention and therapy for those born on April 27, we can recommend a cheerful laugh. They are able to experience special joy at home, especially in the kitchen. Although not prone to overeating, they love to cook, and they make great cooks, both women and men. They also take diet seriously, making up a well-thought-out menu.

Try to expand your contacts with others, beware of self-isolation. Strive for self-improvement and do not try to impose your value system on others. Don't be slaves to habits, don't give up happiness.


Self-sufficiency, dedication, concentration.


Detachment, excessive seriousness, restraint.

Self-sufficiency day.

April 27 Celebrity Birthday - actress Marina Levtova, actor Yevgeny Morgunov, singer Stas Mikhailov. actor Alexander Lazarev, actor Zayed Khan, actress Anna Kamenkova

Taurus personality traits born on April 27 - Those born on April 27 tend to act behind the scenes. They rarely become leaders, unless circumstances force them to do so. They find their greatest satisfaction in the opportunity to retire and act in an atmosphere of complete tranquility. They are not characterized by increased social activity, their relationships with others are limited to the framework of communication within an institution (say, school, work, church).

People whose birthday is April 27 can exercise their influence on the course of events without being physically present. They have a powerful intellectual charge, their thoughts, undertakings and even their image can set any processes in motion. And in solitude, they never feel alone. In addition, they never suffer from jealousy towards those who find themselves in the center of public attention. They are always looking for benefits from their actions, making sure that the work is completed on time, so they simply do not have time to receive criticism or praise. They themselves know their pros and cons, are aware of the mistakes and mistakes they have made, so they do not need external evaluation. Born 27 april have the rare ability to endure failures and, using their own experience, move forward to the next project.

What are the people whose zodiac sign is April 27? In personal relationships - in particular, in family life and raising children - those born on April 27 behave exceptionally dignified, but only if loved ones understand their need for privacy and do not violate the established work schedule. After a hard day, they may well enjoy a quiet evening with family and friends. If they truly appreciate the comfort of home, then the house really becomes their fortress. However, in this case, they have the right to demand from the household no less devotion to the family hearth.

Not too enlightened people, whose birthday is April 27, are sometimes gloomy, uncommunicative and even aggressive towards others. Sometimes they sink to elementary rudeness. In this sense, it is useful for them to find a field of activity in which they could fully realize their needs, smoothing out the sharp corners of character. Otherwise, hopeless loneliness and a bleak existence await them.

Those born on this day should look for such friends who could infect them with optimism and fun. Laughter and carelessness are essential for them. In this sense, the company of loyal and sparkling friends has a beneficial effect on their lives.

April 27 presents us with a completely self-sufficient zodiac sign Calf. Such a person always hides behind a screen, away from the epicenter of events. He has a leadership streak, but he rarely manifests himself in such a role, only if circumstances need his help. The main goal in life is to achieve peace and quiet. Works best in solitude, where no one can disturb his train of thought. He is not particularly attracted to society, therefore he is limited to communication through social institutions, such as schools, work, circles, etc.

Character traits

Interestingly, born April 27 can activate any action even if it is not present there. Zodiac sign possesses excellent intellectual abilities. His thoughts and behavior are capable of positively influencing others. Closing in his apartment, he will never complain of boredom or loneliness. And there is no envy in him if someone from acquaintances or strangers shines under the spotlights of everyone's attention. Any action must be useful. Is incredibly keen to stick to deadlines. Sometimes he’s so busy that he doesn’t even have time to accept criticism or praise. It does not need to be evaluated from the outside, since it knows all its weaknesses and mistakes very well. The universe gave him the ability to endure any fall. He just gets up, shakes off the dirt, digests the experience gained and rushes back into battle.

Taurus articles

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Behaves superb in the family. True, this lasts until the family adheres to the rule not to get into his personal space. After a hard day at work, he himself will be happy to join his loved ones and spend a warm evening with them. Appreciates comfort, therefore, provides the house with everything you need. He expects the same return from all relatives.

With an unfavorable developmental option, he is often sad or aggressive. Do not disdain and banal rudeness. To prevent this from happening, it is important to focus all attention on a rewarding field of activity. Otherwise, he will become obsessed with loneliness and hate his life. There must necessarily be friends-optimists nearby, ready to pull him out of gloomy thoughts.

Notable personalities

The happy date is celebrated by Evgeny Morgunov, Anna Kamenkova, Marina Levtova, Zayed Khan, Alexander Lazarev (actors) and Stas Mikhailov (singer).

What fate will bring

Any personality April 27 worth working for yourself. Zodiac sign and he himself feels a similar need and does everything to find such a job. The opposite sex flocks like bees to honey, so personal life is seething with romance and casual relationships. More than one marriage is possible, as it will take time to find a partner who can accept all of its shortcomings.

In material terms, he has nothing to be afraid of, since his hands are literally golden. In order not to undertake, income comes from everywhere. Therefore, in old age, he can easily enjoy sandwiches with caviar and other delights of a rich existence.

  • The lucky numbers are 1, 9, 10, 18,19, 27 and 28.
  • Compatibility is established with those born on 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27 and 28.
  • Among the color combinations, gold, orange, bronze, yellow, red, magenta and all shades of blue are best.
  • You should have topaz, garnet, amber, ruby \u200b\u200band diamond with you.

SIGN: 8 ° Taurus
ELEMENT: earth


CHARACTER. They do not like to be in the center of attention, they prefer a family nest to social life. Even if they are forced to communicate with a large number of people for a long time, they rarely make friends. Active and practical, they do not waste time with words of gratitude and praise. They are not interested in the opinion of others, because everything they do is fully and completely consistent with their goals and principles. But they should not be too solitary, otherwise they risk erecting a wall of alienation and selfishness. They know their abilities very well, even if they are sometimes overly demanding of themselves.
LOVE. They manage to create a serene atmosphere in the family, however, the partner should give them a little freedom. They like to return home and see a loved one there. They make loving parents and loyal partners, but respect and honesty must be mutual, otherwise they can break off relations.
CAREER. Prone to solitude, they work better alone, when no one bothers them. They do not envy those who are more popular than them, know how to learn from their experience, and if they make mistakes, they are ready to admit them. Some of them prefer a career to family life.


Figure name: Hermit, Seeker.
Image of the figure: a wise old man with a white beard walks, leaning on a staff. He holds a lantern in his right hand, illuminating his path.
Symbol: one who is engaged in an endless search for truth should live in seclusion.
Meanings: wisdom, silence, caution, prudence, misanthropy, hypocrisy, greed, poverty.
Analogies: ASTROLOGY: Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius; HEALTH: rheumatism, but longevity; PROFESSIONS: scientist, biotherapist.


MARS (2 + 7 \u003d 9): corresponds to the will, the desire to affirm one's own I through actions and strength. Instinctive and primitive. Symbolizes sexuality.


NUMBER 2: indicates inner peace and receptivity. People under the influence of number 2 are individuals with a pronounced sensitivity, in need of stimulation and protection. Vivid imagination and creativity are the hallmarks.
NUMBER 7: A person with the influence of number 7 moves away from material things in order to fully devote himself to the soul and meditation. The desire to be alone in order to get to know yourself and the world around you.
HEALTH. Anxiety attacks, dermatitis.
PROFESSION. Writer, office worker, merchant.
ADVANTAGES. Independence, frugality, attentiveness.
LIMITATIONS. Excessive rationality, conservatism, restraint.

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