Love horoscope for November 11 Gemini. Horoscope life zodiac sign Gemini

Gemini, you are snapped up today - the stars predict many interesting meetings. And if you get tired of communicating with useful acquaintances, you can always run away - your friends have already prepared escape routes and purchased food for a picnic. The realm of love is full of pleasant surprises - you will see that Cupid really exists.

Twins. Weekly horoscope from 26/12/2017 to 01/01/2017

Gemini, the whole week you will be haunted by the main question: where to celebrate the New Year. Promising plans will be canceled, new ones will come in their place, no less interesting ones, they will be waiting for you in several places at the same time, and then old acquaintances, whom you have not seen for years, will remind you of themselves. And only your ingenuity will allow you to find a good compromise for all this bedlam. On Thursday, the Lunar month begins, which will bring an important event, forcing you to worry and radically changing your life. Anticipating changes, you will not be yourself on New Year's Eve. The stars recommend going abroad for the New Year: there you will relax, feeling that the worries and worries are far from home. Or maybe it is abroad that changes await you that will change your life?

Twins. Financial horoscope for 26/12/2017 to 01/01/2017

Gemini, all week you will be discussing the topic of money and solving financial issues with other people, negotiating, dumping, handing out and collecting debts. You need to sort out your tax and recurring payments so you don't go into the new year with debt. In the first half of the week, you will be energetically busy with some one, the most important thing - obviously related to the preparation for the holiday. In the middle of the week, you find that you have forgotten about an old debt, or you find out about a delay in the required financial document. It is best to check if everything is in order with your bills on Wednesday, all the mistakes will quickly become noticeable. At the weekend, you will be delighted with gifts not only from family and friends, but also from people from afar.

Twins. Love horoscope from 11/03/2019 to 18/03/2019

Gemini, perhaps more than others, is hindered by Mercury retrograde, and they are trying with all their might to create a holiday for themselves, including in their personal lives. But, as often happens, you pay more attention to the external shine, and after a short time your relationship looks like a burnt firecracker.

Twins. Love compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Gemini, your romance will be based on friendships and common interests. And what element values \u200b\u200bfriendly understanding almost above love? Who wants to see in a partner not only a loved one, but also a good interlocutor? Who cares about not being bored in a relationship? Of course, this is your element, the element of Air. Choose your Gemini, Libra or Aquarius partner to find your perfect match. If you're already in a relationship like this, it's time to refresh your feelings by looking for common interests. Take a class together or take a fun excursion so you have new topics of conversation!

  • Moon phase 11 November 2017 - waning moon.
  • Lunar day today 11.11.2017 - 23 lunar day.
  • Moon in the zodiac sign 11/11/2017 - Moon in Virgo.

Horoscope for today 11/11/2017

You need to learn to understand your own body, be sure to strengthen it and sometimes pamper it. Work on flexibility not only in your body, but also in your thinking and emotions. This will help you build relationships with people more harmoniously. Try to listen to yourself, your intuition.

Great day. You will be able to achieve professional success, which means that your career advancement and increasing your income will depend on this. However, no matter how much you earn, you will have to spend everything on household needs.

Today, relations with close people and just acquaintances may worsen because of mutual grievances and misunderstandings. Therefore, it is better to limit communication. Energy vampires are activated, who will try to hang the burden of their problems on you. This is the day when you should not make important decisions or take important steps: you are capable of deluding yourself, taking wishful thinking.

The situation may require you to show your full professional skills. We can talk about a freelance situation, about a rush in business, about getting a job, about an exam, or something else - the main thing is that you have to prove to others or to yourself your competence in some matter.

If some idea seems to you wonderful and requires immediate implementation, it is better to wait a couple of days, remembering that you can commit a rash act.

Luck goes by itself and the main thing is not to dismiss it and not pass by yourself. Today, you will not have any special problems, and everything that is planned will be fully realized.

Expect interesting meetings today, but try to be careful in communication, otherwise you will not avoid troubles. You should be open to innovations on this day, but not too gullible. In any case, rely on life experience and advice from your elders.

Today, when communicating with others, it does not hurt to monitor your language, since the consequences of your witty remarks can cause trouble not only to others, but also to you.

Today you risk spending the whole day solving other people's problems and questions. Because of this, their own affairs and plans may be temporarily relegated to the background. But by helping others, you have a chance to gain new friends and allies.

Today your life potential will be greatly reduced. Misunderstandings in relations with partners are not excluded, which subsequently may negatively affect the progress of affairs. Men should not start new businesses, because it is possible that plans that at first glance seemed promising will be revised.

Your own language can be your main enemy today. Do not tell others in the eyes everything that you think. Even if you have no intention of offending anyone, you may accidentally hurt someone for being sick.

You will have to show character in order to prove to everyone your knowledge and skills. You may be too nervous. Calm down, because you will achieve your goal anyway.

Personal astrological forecast for November 11, 2019 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Gemini. The morning will be hectic and stressful. You have a lot to do, and it's not that easy. In addition, people who previously supported you can now interfere and build intrigues, so be especially careful. Until the middle of the day, ailments are possible, it is advisable to avoid overload.

Later there will be an opportunity to do something very interesting; all problems and worries will be forgotten. Surprises, pleasant surprises are not excluded. Some Gemini have romantic dates that will be remembered for a long time.

Astrological forecast for today

Gemini must be prepared for non-trivial decisions and non-standard actions. The more original and unpredictable you are for those around you, the higher the likelihood of success in both business and personal life. Perhaps a successful solution to financial and property issues, overcoming legal and bureaucratic obstacles.

There is a chance to establish relationships with people, on whose location your material well-being and mental balance depends. A good day for communication with children, simple games, outdoor activities.

A true horoscope for Gemini

Today will remain in Gemini's memory for a long time as one of the most calm and positive moments. When everything is so happy and good around you, it's time to think about an engagement, marriage, or the appearance of a new family member.

Personal horoscope for November 11, 2019

Improved financial affairs await you today. It is possible that you will have to plunge headlong into cases that require immediate resolution. Perhaps today you will be lucky in gambling, but hope more for a sober, cold calculation, and then luck will come to you.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Gemini

Gemini today need to expand their horizons and communicate. Then you will achieve not only the recognition of colleagues, but also success in the professional field. In a financial crisis, you should not take large loans from the bank, as well as borrow money yourself. If the Gemini look at themselves from the outside, they can correct many mistakes in life.

House Horoscope for Today 11 November 2019

Obstacles will arise in the path of many Gemini. They may feel that the case has not moved off the ground and will turn their attention to something else, leaving the previous case unfinished. No one likes to fail at a job or face difficulties at work, but you must understand that difficulties are inevitable.

The morning will be hectic and stressful. You have a lot to do, and it's not that easy. In addition, people who previously supported you can now interfere and build intrigues, so be especially careful. Until the middle of the day, ailments are possible, it is advisable to avoid overload.
Later there will be an opportunity to do something very interesting; all problems and worries will be forgotten. Surprises, pleasant surprises are not excluded. Some Gemini have romantic dates that will be remembered for a long time.

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Love horoscope - Gemini

If by the evening you keep your strength, then the doors to the world of pleasures and pleasures will open wide before you.


In general, you enjoy seeking advice in your personal life from your friends. Today, however, two of your comrades will give you advice that will fundamentally contradict each other. You will listen carefully to both of them, although you will gravitate more towards one of your friends who will make more optimistic assessments of your future prospects. Either way, in the long run you will probably rely on your own intuition.
Of course, it is extremely difficult to forget about your past mistakes and failures, but today you will look at your life philosophically and you can easily get rid of all the dark and difficult memories that prevent you from opening the way to a bright and bright future.

A quiet, calm day awaits you. Most likely, you will spend this evening alone, waiting for news from your loved one. Use this time to take care of your health, pay attention to your image, put things in order in your appearance. You should look perfect when the waiting period is over and your bored half returns to your arms.

Horoscope @ RU

Family horoscope - Gemini

If you decide to please your loved ones, and have gathered the strength to disassemble your table, then you are moving in the right direction. After all, you yourself can hardly find the thing you need there, but imagine those around you who cannot even find a pen and a piece of paper for you, so that, if necessary, write you a note.


Thanks to the support of Venus, relationships with children will be wonderful. Regardless of age, they will delight you with excellent shape and complaisance.

Business horoscope - Gemini

Any job you take on will compete in your hands and bring good results.


The influence of Jupiter and Uranus promises success in the professional field. You will easily get the recognition you want and deserve, your authority will noticeably increase. In addition, you will easily maintain good relationships with both colleagues and superiors.

Health horoscope - Gemini

After a morning run and a contrast shower, you will be so charged with vital energy that all matters and problems will be solved with such ease that you yourself will be surprised by the effect that a shower and physical activity gives in the morning, and you will certainly introduce this into the rank of mandatory daily procedures.


Most of the representatives and representatives of the sign can count on good health, however, those born in the second decade of the sign may have ailments due to the influence of Pluto. Not that everything was bad, but it will be absolutely necessary to respond to a deterioration in well-being.

Mobile horoscope - Gemini

Today, all you do is that first you make decisions, and then abruptly abandon your own decisions. It seems it's time to stop and think about what is happening. You must make a choice that will not only suit you, but also meet the desires of others. You have to think about this for a long time, so it is advisable not to be distracted by minor problems and deal specifically with this issue.

Beauty horoscope - Gemini

Today you will face a number of rather confusing and new problems for you. Of course, you will have to work very hard to solve them, but it will help you learn a lot of new things and noticeably grow above yourself.

For 11 months, you need to remember one thing:
Happiness is the work of each individual person. Especially Gemini.

Neither Mercury, nor the Sun, nor their position promises you a freebie. No Gemini ever believed in cheese. But the trick is that you can achieve a lot if you don’t be lazy and don’t waste time talking. Let's do this: you self-organize and get busy. You don't want to be pushed into this, do you? Everything will do: improve skills, get rid of bad habits, become punctual. Delete the unnecessary. At the end of the final month of autumn, according to the stars, meetings and acquaintances shine for you.
All your friends will use your energy. And Gemini is ready. Fenka is that in the center of events, news, all life. You do it best!

  • Auspicious days - November 1, 7, 12, 13, 18, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days - November 3, 10, 15, 16, 21, 24, 30.

Horoscope for November 2017 Gemini woman


In the first decade of the month, women of the sign will feel better in the family plan. It suddenly turns out that family life is not only household chores, but chores. It turns out that your partner is even ready for romantic travel.
There is an option that you will have a hobby. General.
Between November 11 and 20, Venus and Mars will take privacy to a new level.
You have a complete understanding and complete sausage and sausages. You are much closer to each other than before. And you and your couple are ready to get to know each other.
Venus and Mars will make you think that communication is better to limit. It will seem to you that you have such non-figurative contradictions. So you can finally put everything in the toilet.
You can have a rest in November. But from 1 to 15, it is better to do this at home. But boldly blow numbers from 16 on a short voyage. You are attracted by art, culture, history.
Towards the end of autumn, the Twins want more creativity in their work. It's a pity, but the boss does not share this TOR.
In Etong, you will be under pressure for the whole month. Hold on!
As for health, from November 1 to 15, the seams are natural. Autumn ailments, colds, dropped immunity. But from November 16 to 30, the situation will turn in the opposite direction. And you will feel capable of anything!

Gemini November 2017 Love Horoscope

Whatever you think, Gemini doesn't have to be in charge. Especially in November.
Your companion will take the steering wheel in their hands without any problems and difficulties.
Venus says you need to play giveaway now. Make a compromise if you value your relationship &
Now you can solve any everyday issues, equip the house, repair, make improvements in the interior.
Around November 15-16, you will be drawn to nostalgia, you will want to meet an old passion. We urgently need to resolve all household matters and issues.
Relatives and friends will not give any life.

Horoscope for November 2017 for Gemini men

This month, the male Gemini believes that their companion is Mom. Anything, he considers moralizing. Right now he finally wants freedom and independence. But he dares not send away all the teachers. So she snaps in full.
The main thing for you is not to get upset. It will pass quickly. And you will decide that you will not find a more romantic creature.
The partner is full of strength and drive. Determine for yourself whether his health will allow him to play sports. Maybe he caught a cold?
From November 16 to November 30, your Twin (finally!) Will start earning some pretty money. Moreover, constantly!
As for hobbies, he will make peace with his relatives. And you need to support it.

Career and finance horoscope for November 2017 Gemini

Gemini's career area looks like this: now you are preparing for a serious leap. Your actions will soon bear fruit.
Around November 15-16, your activity will begin to pay off. You are involved in all new projects.
Take on new responsibilities (get it done easily!)
The only pity is that you are now more conflicted than usual. You can handle it, everything will be fine!
As for the dough, then you have it thick, then empty. And all why? Because you don't have to waste your earnings so quickly! Don't!

Gemini's financial horoscope for November 2017

Luckily for you, Gemini has a ton of energy, strength, and motivation this month. And that means you can handle everything. The amount of money you can make depends on how quickly you respond to changing circumstances. One thing is good: everyone will help you right now. That's all straight!
Auspicious days for money in November 2017 for Gemini: November 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29.

Health horoscope for November 2017 Gemini

In the last month of autumn, it is good to do yoga. Or sports. Put both mental and physical bodies in order.
The genitourinary sphere suffers: complications from a cold will hit themselves. Now you can raise both the immune system and the endocrine system.
Men of the sign cannot be zealous with a loaf now. Looking for liver problems? But women can do cosmetics. And any beauty procedures.

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