Sayings about fishing are wise words. fishing aphorism

Cool statuses about fishing and fishermen

AND An interesting fisherwoman will meet a very decent fisherman so as not to catch anything.

P Once one fisherman caught two fish on one hook and released them with the words: Nobody will believe me!

E If you pour vodka into a large canister, you don't have to take a fishing box, because you can sit on it too.

X good bite happens either before you start fishing, or after

T aranka is not a fish. It is a Japanese gate opener

R Fisherman's fisherman - two fools got drunk.

P drunken fishermen caught a mermaid at night. The next morning it turned out that it was a catfish, and everyone felt ashamed.

D PSnik, remember the motto of real fishermen! "Caught - let go!"

FROM The fisherman Vasily caught the biggest bream when he forgot about his wife's birthday!

H And they never lie as much as before the elections, after fishing and before sex.

H true water is only in springs and glaciers, the rest is covered with fish

FROM the thought of fishing is not to catch more fish, but to drink in proportion to the catch.

Have Russians go fishing and go fishing are two completely different things ...

M Alchik Borya, who spent his entire childhood fishing with his father, does not know how to talk.

Z Summer fishing in spring is the cheapest type of diving.

E then environmental pollution is just some kind of horror! Yesterday I open a can of sardines - it's full of oil and all the fish is dead!

IN hydrometeorological center requires employees with joint disease

F Ena confessed to her husband that she had cheated on him when he was fishing. And he disappeared. I haven't seen him for a week. Then she barely began to see with her right eye.

IN drunk I can do anything - even go fishing!

R You are looking for where it is deeper - there is less fuel oil

TO a lassic example of a bore: a husband who regularly returns from fishing sober and with fish.


IN In the new fishing season, reels with a speed of more than 4000 are subject to mandatory registration.

H and the silicone bait is most often pecked by men

E If it doesn't bite in winter, breathe on the bloodworms before lowering the tackle into the hole. Its drunken noise can attract fish.

R The fisherman is not far from the fish

H and fishing fishing))))

P I'll get acquainted with a girl who loves to go fishing, loves to dig worms and has an inflatable boat with a motor. Photo of the boat is required.

R You should boast that I wag my tail.

E If you add a few drops of laxative to the groundbait, the fish will return to the baited place faster.

P Since most modern carbon fiber spinning rods are freezing cold, they can be stored in the refrigerator.

D and what kind of fishing it is, so - fishing ...

E If you are detained by the fishery, you have the right to call your lawyer free of charge on their cell phone.

E If you feed the fish well with vodka in the evening, then at dawn it will bite well for beer!

B The spinning player's oroda is a sign of youth

TO at the end of fishing, the fisherman no longer sees the fisherman from afar.

Have Part of the annual round-the-world fishing trip will be an ice floe with Russian fishermen, starting from the Gulf of Finland.

I present to you a selection phraseological units with the word fish .

Found total 16 such phraseological units.

They are grouped on topics: scams, silence, mediocrity, bad luck, leadership, fish writers. The meanings of phraseological units are given.

Phraseologisms about scams

  • To fish in troubled water (to benefit from other people's problems) - by the way, phraseological units with "water"
  • Catching fish on a dry shore (stealing, stealing) - by the way, phraseological units with catch

Phraseologisms about silence

  • Silence like a fish (stubbornly say nothing)
  • Him like a fish (won't say anything)

Phraseologisms about mediocrity

  • Neither fish nor meat (mediocre person) - by the way, phraseological units with “neither nor”
  • Fish eyes (expressionless, colorless eyes) - by the way, phraseological units with "eyes"

Phraseologisms about bad luck

  • Fight like a fish on ice (persistently, but to no avail to achieve something)
  • Goldfish (imaginary, ghostly luck)

Phraseologisms about leadership

  • The fish rots from the head (the head is responsible for problems in the team) - by the way, phraseological units with "head"
  • Big fish (caught) - gang leader, etc. (caught by the police)

Other phraseological units with "fish"

  • Like a fish in water (free, at ease (feel))
  • Like an umbrella for a fish (need, etc.) (absolutely unnecessary)
  • Feed the fish (drown and stay at sea, etc.)
  • On fish fur (not warming, inferior (outerwear))
  • Make a "fish", etc. (prepare a sketch of text, image, etc.)

Winged expressions about fish from the works of writers

  • Goldfish (A.S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", see winged expressions from Pushkin's tales)
  • Wonder-yudo fish-whale (P.P. Ershov, "The Little Humpbacked Horse")
  • Sturgeon of the second freshness (M. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita")

As you can see, phraseological units about fish are diverse in their meanings, although they are quite few. They are characterized by the absence of a pronounced prevailing importance , which is rare.

The longer the arms of the fisherman, the less faith in his stories.

A woman who has never seen her husband eating a fish has no idea what kind of patient man she married.

The largest fish caught are always the ones that are off the hook.

Of all living things, the fastest growing fish, especially those already caught.

The fisherman is the first to bite the worm. Fishing is not a diagnosis, not a disease, not imprisonment, but for life.

Catfish for fishlessness and tadpole.

The best antidepressant is fishing Angler's Creed.

Give me a little support, I'll place my fishing rod there.

Fishermen are easy to identify: their arms are much longer than usual because of the often shown size of the caught fish.

Once a hunter and a fisherman met and let's show off their trophies. The fisherman, of course, won. Any fish the size of outstretched arms is much more honorable than an elk of the same size.

The fish is small, but the ear is sweet.

The fish does not bite because it has no beak ...

The number of baits taken for fishing is inversely proportional to the variety of fish caught.

Work is a way of not getting bored between fishing trips.

The most catchy spoon will still remain in the store.

Making the appearance of fishing is included in the fishing tour price.

Mirror carp usually reflects the happy face of the fisherman.

Paid ponds fall into two categories: "Fuck, I'm paying for this" and "Well, it's worth it."

Beer is the greatest invention. The wheel, of course, is also nothing, but the wheel with the fish is still not the same ...

Many unresolved issues can be resolved if you forget about them and go fishing.

There is little passion for fishing - you need tackle.

Chatterbox can be seen by word, and fisherman by catch.

Any fish is good if it goes for the bait.

On a fresh worm and fish on a hook.

Thin tackle will not give you a rest.

A real fisherman does not catch fish, but luck.

Once again I am convinced that you cannot find a pond without difficulty.

Fishing is like in a bath - there are no bosses, everyone is equal.

The fishing should be quiet.

There should be fish on the fishing trip.

The only predictable thing about fishing is unpredictability. How thoughtful.

A good fisherman is not looking for a convenient place, but a fishy one.

Oh, if only a fish clung to the hook as much as a wife to fishing rods!

Theorist, practitioner and ordinary angler. The theorist knows how and what to catch, but cannot catch anything. Practitioner - catches fish, but does not know why she bites at him. An ordinary angler - combines theory and practice - he cannot catch anything and does not know why!

The student lives from session to session, and the angler lives from Friday to Sunday.

You have nowhere to sleep? - Come fishing with an overnight stay.

The old man's troubles began from the moment he told the old woman that he had caught a goldfish. Moral: caught something - shut up! "

Working with thoughts of the coming fishing is much more enjoyable than fishing with thoughts of the work ahead.

Still, it's good when the family has common interests ... He loves fishing, and she loves when he is fishing.

A man is a creature capable of waiting for a bite for three hours in a row and unable to wait fifteen minutes for a wife to get dressed.

The hook is blunt-cage empty.

Ruffy in the hand, and fragrant in the ear.

Personally, I like strawberries with cream, but for some reason the fish prefers worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I love, but what the fish love. Dale Carnegie.

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